
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty-five

Alice's Point Of View

"So you failed me?"

"No, Darco, please..." I begged. "I have them. If you give me a little more time, I can assure you I'll push Akira away from her and..."

He raised his hand and I swallowed my words. He leaned back in his throne and groaned in frustration. "Remember what you said when I let you go? You said you'd make sure she leaves and fall into my hands. You've been there for about three weeks, Alice. What exactly have you been doing?"

I gulped, keeping my head down. I don't dare look into those killer eyes of his. His eyes hold nothing but mischief and destruction.

"I've...I've been doing exactly what you ordered me to do."

"Is that so? Then what do you have to say about the rumors flying around lately?"

"Ru.. rumors? What rumors?" I asked as I brought my head up. Meeting his eyes, I quickly brought my head back down.

"People say you fancy that alpha and you covet the girl's position." He said as he stood up. My knees shook against
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