
Chapter 003

"Is something funny Lorraine?" The teacher asked making the whole class glance at me

"What? No no" I replied quickly

"Then why do you have a smile plastered on your face as I spoke?" The teacher asked

"I... I was......I wasn't smiling Sir" I defended

"If your attention was here then what was I talking about?" He asked and I stared blankly trying to recall what I never listened to

"Stand up" the teacher commanded and I sighed, not again, please

"You shall remain standing for the rest of my class today," he said and the whole class chuckled, the whole class except the Lycan twins who continued to maintain a straight face while focusing on the teacher

I tried bringing back my focus to the teacher's lecture but my wolf wouldn't allow me the solace of the littlest concentration as I continued to steal glances at the twins

Amongst my periodic side glances at the twins, my eyes locked with the tanned twin, Jordan and we gazed at each other for a second, he smirked and winked at me, and my face immediately turned red as I quickly took my eyes away, what is wrong with me? Or better still, what is wrong with my wolf? 

I sighed, my wolf is going to be the end of me one day

The class went on for about thirty minutes and the teacher shifted his attention to me at the end

"You better work on your concentration Lorraine, I don't want you zoning out in my next class again" he warned

"Yes Sir," I said and he walked out


I heaved a sigh as I made to sit but alas, my beautiful day of troubles was only beginning and I wasn't allowed the relief of sitting yet

"Lorraine!!" Someone bellowed barging into the class

Oh goody, it's Josh, Alpha Taylor's eldest child and he was advancing towards me looking like he was gonna murder someone, could this day get any better? 

"Josh" I called meekly

"Oh don't you dare utter my name with that stinking mouth of yours!" he fumed as he ambled towards where I stood and the whole class guffawed as I could feel everyone's gaze at us in anticipation of the event that was about to unfold

"Do you see how I am dressed?!" Josh queried

"Yes I see" I replied

"And is this how I'm supposed to be dressed for school today?!" he questioned and I shrugged

"I don't know," I said and he puffed angrily

"I always wear my white T-shirt and black trousers every Monday, it is a Monday today and look at what I'm wearing?! I woke up to meet my white T-shirt and black trousers, unwashed!!" Josh boomed

"But you never asked me to wash them" I defended

"Do I need to Lorraine?! My father took a lowlife like you in after your parent's death, we took you in and the last thing you should do is carry out your job properly you ungrateful wench!!!" he thundered

"That does it" I heard one of the twins say as Jayden stood up and landed a punch on Josh's face, he staggered, falling with the chairs behind him

The whole class was stricken as a sudden silence enveloped the class

"You come with us," Jordan said as he grabbed my hand and dragged my wobbly legs with him and Jayden followed us from behind

He pulled me into the storeroom and finally let go of my hand

"How often does that happen?!" Jordan asked, his voice laced with anger

"What...... what are you talking about?" I asked in a shaky voice still trying to get a full grab of all that just happened in a jiffy

"Do you always stand still and let anyone hurl hurtful words at you?!" Jayden questioned with a furrowed eyebrow

"I'm... I'm used to it"

"Well, we are not!!" Jayden asserted

"The fact that you are so weak and timid makes our wolves howl in anger!" Jordan uttered with a silent growl

"It makes us want to protect you" Jayden stated

"I.....I...." I was lost for words, the atmosphere was filled with a sudden craving and yearning as my legs suddenly went jello and I staggered

Their strong hands gripped me once again on each arm and held me up

My wolf growled within me




"You feel it too don't you?" Jayden asked

"The mate pull, you are to be our mate" Jordan uttered and I glanced at them both

"Not that I'm against it though, you are pretty much endowed after all" Jordan remarked 

"I agree with you brother," Jayden said as their eyes darted through my body like they were almost swallowing me in with their intense gaze my wolf growled more fiercely, my stomach knotted and I could feel a certain yearning and need crawling through my being

"I.....I have to go" I said, freeing myself from their grip with the last ounce of strength I could still maintain and speed-walking out of the storeroom 

I walked into the classroom and the atmosphere suddenly went quiet as everyone turned to look at the lone Omega that just caused a scene

Lisa ambled towards me

"You....." Her voice suddenly trailed off, her eyes focusing on someone behind so I turned to find the twins right behind me

"Were you going to say something to her?" Jordan queried

"You can say it now that we are here," Jayden said

"I..... I wasn't going to say anything" Lisa uttered, obviously disappointed

The twins walked back to have their seats and I walked to mine

It felt nice to have somebody stand up for me for the first time in my life but I knew I was going to pay dearly for the punch Josh received when I got back to the Alpha's mansion so I prayed silently for the time to pass as slowly as it can but once again, the goddess seemed to not hear my prayer, she never does

School ended in a jiffy and everyone began to leave for home

"See you tomorrow Lorraine," Jayden said and Jordan gave me a wink that made my heart skip a beat as they strode out

"Focus Lorraine! Those dashing twins are the least of your problems right now" I uttered to myself

Finally mustering up the courage, I stood up with my backpack and left for "home"

I plodded out of the school and down the road to the Pack and in just about 15 minutes, I was standing in front of the Alpha's mansion, unfortunately

I walked in through the back door that led to the kitchen, I had never used the Mansion's front door, that door was for the people with good ranks in the pack and not for servants like me

"Took you long enough to return" Josh uttered as I bumped into him on walking into the kitchen


"I told you to never utter my name with your filthy mouth," he said grabbing my throat and pushing me against the wall

"Those new Lycan twins fucking punched me because of a lowlife like you!!" Josh bellowed

"I'm...... I'm sorry" I stuttered as his grip on my neck tightened

"Sorry doesn't take away the pain!" He fumed

"Josh!!" Alpha Taylor's crippling voice resounded through the kitchen as he stood by the door

Josh immediately let go of me and I fell to the floor, nursing my numb neck

"Father" Josh answered

"What did I say about wasting time on unnecessary things? I just received words that the Lycan pack will be sending some wolves to visit us tomorrow, you must come with me so we can start the preparation for their arrival" Alpha Taylor said

"The Lycan pack? Why are they coming here?" Josh asked, and he was not happy about it

"I have no idea too, we'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out so let's go," Alpha Taylor said

"It's just the Lycan pack Dad, why are you making such a big deal out of it? Why must we prepare?" Josh complained

"The Lycan pack is the oldest and strongest of all the werewolf packs, they are the unproclaimed king of the werewolves and they have decided to pay us a visit, it is a big deal Josh so get out of there now and come with me!" Alpha Taylor commanded and mumbling inaudible words, Josh left grudgingly

Alpha Taylor spared me a glance

"You are still unable to shape-shift Lorraine, your wolf is practically useless to the pack so the last thing you should do i

s live in this Mansion as though you do not exist and stop getting on people's nerves" Alpha Taylor uttered before taking his leave.....

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