
Chapter 004

Nightfall came with me busy in the kitchen, my sore neck had healed now and I had to prepare dinner for everyone

As soon as I was done cooking, I set everything up at the dining table and proceeded to call everyone for dinner, a task I wasn't exactly looking forward to nor did I ever perform it with glee

I ambled to the Alpha's room first and knocked on the door

"The food is ready Sir" I announced as I stood outside the door

"We are coming" Alpha Taylor replied with a gruff voice

Great, he said "we", that means he's in with the Luna and that's one less room for me to go

I proceeded to Josh's room and knocked but I got no response

I sighed, as usual, he never responds to anyone knocking on his door yet he complains of barging in on him when you open the door

"Dinner's ready Josh!" I voiced again and when I got no reply from him, I opened the door

"Josh?" I called as I walked in but no one was on his bed

Is he not in his room?

"Josh?" I called again and I heard some noise coming from the bathroom

"Are you the one there Josh?" I asked as I slowly moved toward the bathroom

If Josh was in the bathroom, he would have screamed the hell at me now to get out of this room but I'm not getting any response from whoever is in the bathroom except a continuous "Ugh" sound, whatever that means

My curiosity got the better of me and I moved closer to the bathroom and opened the door

"Josh!" My eyes almost popped out of their sockets

It is Josh in the bathroom but he is unclad, water dripping down his body and his hand wrapped around his hard crotch

"What the hell Lorraine?!!" He exclaimed with surprise and I immediately looked away, turning my back to him

"I'm..... I'm so sorry, I called severally and I got no response from you so I thought something was wrong, I only wanted to let you know that dinner's ready, I'll just take my leave now"

I trudged myself forward in a bid to quickly exit the bathroom but Josh's sudden and strong grip on my arm prevented me from moving

"I didn't say you could leave," he said, pushing me to the wall and standing right in front of me, still naked

"What are you doing Josh? Please let me go, I still have to call your sister to have her dinner" I pleaded as the killer look in his eyes didn't allow me to believe he had any sort of good intentions toward me

"You walked in here without my permission, but you won't be leaving unless I say so, perhaps, I do need someone to help me finish up," Josh said grinning

He pinned me against the wall and his greedy eyes ran through my whole body

"Why did I not ever notice Lorraine, how beautifully you've matured," he said tracing his hand down my neck

I tried to push me away but he was much stronger than me and my wolf was making no attempt at all, she was asleep and of no help right now

"Please let me go, Josh, I'm sorry for barging in on your doing...... Whatever it is you were doing" I said and his hands moved toward my overly large bust

"They've matured so beautifully," he said, his eyes rolling at them like a hungry Lion

"Stop Josh please, I'm gonna scream Josh" I warned struggling to push him away but he pinned both of my arms up against the wall

"You scream Lorraine and I'll tell everyone that you barged into my bathroom to try and seduce me," Josh said

"What?! But that's untrue!" I protested

"If I'm the one saying it then it's true Lorraine and no one will care about what you have to say, you are only but a servant after all" Josh smirked, a hint of pride in his voice

As much as I hated it I knew Josh was right, who would believe the words of a servant over that of an Alpha's son?

I continued my endless struggle of trying to break out of his stronghold but it was a futile endeavor 

He pinned my hands up against the wall with a strong grip and just when he was about to grip my bust with his free hand....

"Lorraine!!" The Luna's voice wafted to the room from downstairs

Josh stared at me for a moment and finally let me free from his hold

"You are lucky Mum called, we'll continue this another time Lorraine" Josh stated

I quickly dashed out of the room, speed walking downstairs to meet the Luna, she was seated with Alpha Taylor already prepared to have breakfast

"Have your wolf gone deaf Lorraine?! Do I need to call you severally now before your stupid self can finally respond?" Luna Kathleen bellowed immediately after I got to the dining room

"I'm sorry Luna" I apologized

"Why the hell haven't you called Josh and Chloe out for dinner yet?" Luna Kathleen asked

Luna Kathleen is just like her husband, only worse in all of her attributes, everyone in the Mansion doesn't share any kind of affinity for me and I perfectly understand that, hell I'm even okay with it but Luna Kathleen's hate for me surpasses everyone else's, she detests me and won't miss out the slightest of opportunity to send me out of the house

"I've called Josh and he's on his way down, I was just proceeding to Chloe's room when you called for me" I explained

"Well go and get Chloe then, and be fast about it Lorraine, make sure you get her down here, it's been a while since she had dinner with us" Luna commanded. 

I quickly ran back upstairs to Chloe's room

Chloe is the only daughter and the last child of Alpha Taylor and Luna Kathleen

Unlike everyone, Chloe is more invested in her makeup and her continuous effort to look good. Everyone here is mean to me but Chloe is the only one

who doesn't care to put me down every chance she gets, she's too busy for that.

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