
Chapter 20.


I wake up to the sound of lightning thrashing through the air. I roll over snuggling my pillow further smiling to myself knowing the rain coming will hinder all school activities today.

And just like that it starts pouring from the heavens. Each drop pattering on my window is like music to my ears.

Lately I've been wanting to avoid school more than usual. I'd give anything to just disappear from the face of the earth than spend another day there.

My phone buzzes from under my pillow and I groan looking for my rectangular device.

I squint my eyes checking to see who is calling and a small smile spreads across my face once I see Elias's name pop up.

His voice comes through from the other end as press the phone to my ear.

“Well hello sleepy head”

“Good morning to you too”

“Good morning” he roars and I smile “so when will her majesty be at school?”

I groan.

“I don't want to go that cursed place”

“Oh come on snow”

I roll my eyes and I'm sure he can hear it from the phone.

Snow is the n
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