
Chapter 12

Gabriel's POV

Amaya and I stood back to back, surrounded by a circle of witches on the balcony of my penthouse. Amaya’s breath came out in labored gasps. She’d expended too much magic. The witches were too powerful for her. The plan had been for her to hold them off while I escaped with Evelina. She’d portal herself to where I had my jet waiting to take us away. It was for instances such as this that Amaya avoided using her magic. One never knew when an enemy might attack. But neither of us had counted on multiple dark witches showing up. One or two, we could handle. But this…was unprecedented.

I could not leave Amaya to fend for herself when she was so clearly struggling. These were dark witches, with the ability to wield magic much more efficiently. I pulled the trigger on my silver pistol, but instead of hitting its mark, it disappeared into a whirlpool of shadows created by these stupid witches. Dark witches practiced sacrificial magic, which gave them an edge over witches like Am
Ruby K

Also, please remember that it has not even been an entire night since Evie was kidnapped. Yes we have many action -packed chapters. But the amount of time passed in the bookworld is not even a full 24 hours yet.

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