
All secrets out.

Isabella's POV

"That bastard," Sierra growled.

He was there. Standing in the flesh, right in front of the house. How did he know where I lived? How was he even allowed in?

Swallowing, I turned to Sierra.

"I'll talk to him," I said.

She gave me a look, her face subtly confirming my sureness. I responded with a nod before I stepped out of the car. Sierra drove off to park the car, entering the house with a glare all the while I faced Adian.

"What do you want?" My voice was not so tender as I asked the question.

He shook his head, not answering my question. "Isabella, I… I want to talk to you. Tell you everything."

"Alright then," I countered. Even if he didn't answer, I knew I wanted to listen to him, for my own sake. I folded my arms, gazing at him blankly. "Talk."

Time passed as he shared his side of the story and all the while, I listened.

It had only happened when one of his friends caught my scent on him. Their knowledge turned malicious, and soon he was roped into the bet. He had
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