
2. A joke

The next morning. The whole house was clean and bright, with the rays of sunlight shinning through the windows. The house was so big and beautiful, covered in white and beautiful furniture.

The living room was so big, with a large couch and pillows, but in the middle of the room lied a man. He was sleeping on the floor, with his back on the ground, his hands spread on the floor, and one of his legs on the couch, as if he had no life in him.

Suddenly, his leg that was on the couch moved slightly before he put it down and moved in his sleep. After some minutes, he opened his captivating dark eyes slowly. Even with the way he looked rough and reeked of alcohol, he still looked handsome. Thin lips, a strong jaw, and beautiful black hair. He was just too handsome, even in his state. He sat up, but was hit with a terrible headache.

Ah! He exclaimed with his hands on his head as he pulled himself up in struggle. He kept running his hands into his hair as he walked towards the stairs, but before he could take the first step up the stairs, he suddenly felt something strange.

He looked back at the sitting room, from the couch to the floor. He wasn't the type to sleep on the floor after getting drunk, but it was strange that he found himself on the floor. He kept looking at the couch, rubbing his forehead, until he finally remembered something. "Mate?" He said to himself before scoffing. "That's impossible."

"Eric!" He called out in anger, and at that second, a man quickly walked in as if he had been waiting for him at the entrance of the house.

"Who came into the house last night?" He asked with fury, but the man looked up at him with surprise. "No one came into the house, Alpha."

"Are you telling me I'm lying?" He asked again, but was hit with a more terrible bang in his head because of how he was raising his voice. He winced, but still, he didn't care. He walked closer to Eric and held him by the collar. He was sure someone entered the house, and he knew it was a woman.

"No sir. Please forgive me." The man begged before he finally let go of his collar. "Get every worker here now. No one leaves the compound." He commanded before the man left.

He sat on the couch with his legs crossed. He was so angry that he didn't even go upstairs to change his clothes, which smelled of alcohol. He didn't know what was going on, but he didn't want to jump to the conclusion that his wolf called someone a mate last night. "It can't be. She can't be the one." He thought, rubbing his hands together nervously.

Soon after, the door opened, and Eric walked in. "They're all outside Alpha." Without bothering to say anything to him, he stood up and went outside.

As soon as he stepped outside, he didn't have to say anything or look further before he sought a frail creature among the employees. "Mate." His wolf called.

He moved a few steps forward. The other maids, who also saw where his eyes were, quickly moved away, giving him a way to see the girl, who was hiding behind them. They felt that something was wrong, but none of them could say a word.


Amelia was ready to go home. She had already been given her pay and was free to go, but she couldn't because of her phone. She had been so restless since she woke up that morning. She didn't even know who she met yesterday, nor did she see the face because of how dark it was. She wished she had her wolf, which could have helped her see in the dark, but at that point she didn't want to think about that.

She just hoped it would be time for the maids to go clean the house so that she could come clean to the housekeeper about her phone. But not too long later, a knock came from the door, and the housekeeper went ahead to open the door.

"Good morning, Eric. What are you doing here early in the morning?" The housekeeper asked, but the man did not reply to her greetings. "Alpha Aiden requests to see everyone of you right now."

"Request to see us?" The woman asked, surprised. Even the other maids that were in the room having breakfast quickly stood up. "But why? Did something happen?" They knew the alpha didn't even know any of them except the housekeeper, who served his food and made his bed.

"I don't have time for this. We need to go now." Eric said, knowing that even a minute late could cause him death.

Amelia was so scared that she felt like her heart would explode. She has never seen the Alpha before, and she has heard stories of how wicked he was. He was the only ruthless one among his brothers. And his requesting to see them all of a sudden made her remember last night and feel terrified.

She quickly walked towards the housekeeper. "I should get going." She said, forgetting how she was planning to get her phone, but before she could move an inch, "No one leaves until you all meet the Alpha. And also, wasting more time means trouble." Hearing this from the man, Amelia knew she was in deep trouble.

The other maids were also scared, but they all accepted their fate and followed the man. They stood in front of the big building and watched as the man went in to call the Alpha. "Maybe if I beg him, he will spare my life." She thought, but her mind drifted to how she had pushed him, which made her accept that there was no way to get out of the trouble she had brought on herself. She had seen the alpha sleepwalk, and there was no way for forgiveness.

She was already fidgeting as they all stood together outside, but she made sure she was standing behind them. Suddenly the door opened, and everywhere suddenly became silent. She didn't even look up, but what surprised her was that the person standing in front of her quickly moved away, and a man was walking closer to her. She looked up slowly, and her heartbeat became even louder, sweat running out of her whole body as she kept looking at the man, who was standing in front of her with an emotion that could be described as rage.

She didn't know what he was thinking, but she just knew he was looking at her with so much hatred.

"This must be a joke. The moon goddess must be playing tricks on me." Aiden whispered as he kept looking at the girl. He didn't even know what to do or say to her. Turning to Eric, he said. "Lock her up in a room." And at that same instant, he walked back into the house.

Amelia thought she heard wrong. She looked at the man who had signaled some men to drag her. "No. Please, please forgive me. Someone help me." She kept screaming as she was being dragged away.

Even the maids were surprised at the incident that just unfolded. They could not explain what had happened, nor could they help the lady, who was being dragged away. They all quickly left the scene.

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