
Eat three

Bella’s Pov

So as I looked at Lucas I decided it was best to speak my mind with all of the confidence that I could muster up. “If everyone wouldn’t cause so many problems in my life I would be happy all the time.” I stated confidently.

A small smirk formed on his lips as he raised a brow. “Is that so?” He asked lowly. I don’t know whether he thought I was joking or not but I didn’t care. “Yes.” I stated confidently.

“Than how about we go upstairs so I can make your life a little more enjoyable.” He murmured seductively. My face went slack as I stared into his smothered eyes that didn’t hold an ounce of humor in them.

“Im still sore from earlier.” I mumbled in annoyance as I lifted my nose in a sigh of defiance. His brows jumped and a few chuckles and giggles went around the room that I ignored.

“Anyways I want to watch them complete their dare.” I added as I looked at Dillion and Katy who had yet to eat their chip.

They were just staring at the bowl of sauce like it would kill
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