

Bella’s Pov

The sadness that I felt slowly went away as the time went by and everyone had stayed silent. I couldn’t stop myself from speaking openly to the man that had made me cry.

“It seems like I am the one protected not Lucas.” I stated smugly. Instead of replying he wiped his face with his palm, most likely due to irritation.

“Do you think he’s going to kill you?” I asked with a raised brow when he ignored me completely. Still I got nothing causing me to close my eyes.

“The solution you put into my eyes stopped working.” I exclaimed as I opened my eyes back up and turned to the man that had put it in my eyes.

Instead of coming over and putting more into my eyes he completely ignored me as he stared at his phone like it was more important.

“So everyone is just going to pretend like I’m not here?” I asked in frustration. When nobody made any effort to speak a huff left me as I tried to lift my arms that were being restrained to the air rests.

“If you aren’t going to talk th
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