
What did you do to me?

Bella’s POV

‘Baby do you want me to stop?’ Lucas’s voice sounded through the head phones that they had forced me to wear. In return making my chest tighten even more as my resolve slowly slipped away.

I had efficiently made it through every picture without speaking a word just for them to decide that it wasn’t enough and to add the second batch of pictures.

Still even as I stared at him as he looked at another woman I didn’t speak. His soft smile as he looked at her with a flirtatious gaze from across the room may have made my chest tighten but that’s all it would do.

When I made no move to react the screen changed again. “No.” I whispered as a small whimper left me as I stared into Lucas’s smothered green eyes that let me broken and at his soft smile that wasn’t directed towards me.

“It’s suppose to be pictures. ” I mumbled as I watched him grab ahold of Monica and bring her into his chest. The way his gaze held her captive had my heart breaking.

“We realized pictures weren’t w
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