

Bella’s Pov

I jolted awake as someone screamed loudly. “It’s burning my mouth.” A familiar voice cried dramatically causing my brows to furrow and me to slowly peel my eyes open.

I had tried to ignore the noise because in my dream I had heard someone yelling and instead of waking up I stared at Lucas as he slowly took his shirt off as I laid out on the beach.

Of course the screaming only got louder and had to ruin my dream. I had looked away from Lucas and before I knew it I was jolted awake.

“Please help, I need water.” The female cried again. I eyed were a little crusty and seemed to be just as blurry from the slumber I was woken up from.

I blinked my eyes and wiped off the crust as looked around the room at everyone that was staring at the same spot.

I rubbed my eyes again and blinked a few times to help clear up the fog. “Next time keep your mouth shut.” Dr. Hickory ordered.

A turned my attention towards him and furrowed my brows as Janet stared up at him in desperation
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