
Chapter 36

Anna walked in the opposite direction to the other end of the room and took a seat across from a man who smiled at her and shook her hand.

She didn't look in their direction or notice them staring at her.

"Why are you hiding?" Cael asked.

Mikayla cleared her throat and straightened in her seat.

"Just reflex action, I guess. The arguments we had about us," she waved her hands between her and Cael, "were a bit nasty. I just ducked without thinking."

"You shouldn't be afraid of being seen by your best friend.

I don't know much about your relationship but I'll say it's pretty similar to Armani and I. When we have issues, we sort them out immediately."

She sighed. "Trust me, I've tried. She isn't interested in patching things up right now."

"Well, since I'm sort of the cause of all of these issues, do you mind if I try talking to her about it?"

"Oh, no, there's no need. Don't worry about it. Plus I'm not sure she'll listen to you anyway."

"Just let me try. It can't hurt to try, right?"

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