

Richard sat with their company's lawyers, uncomfortable even with the air conditioners blowing like hell from all angles in the conference room. His conscience was eating at him and he had picked up his phone to check up on Jackie multiple times before remembering that he didn't even have her digits. He didn't want to bother Regina for them and Kris was prepping for her flight come the following day.

 The stuffy lawyers had arrived late after all and the meeting had actually begun an hour later. He had sat for four hours, hating himself for refusing Jackie. He had not believed the excuse she had given; he had hurt her and she had cried. He was worried about her, what she could do when she was upset. She had paused with the drugs for a bit, at least from what he could tell when he was around but now that she was rolling with those junkies again....

 "Mr Rossi, are you with you? This is the fourth time you are spacing out. Is anything the problem?" Leroy, their head lawyer wanted to know.

 "Perhaps we are boring him. God knows what it took him to get in that suit and sit with us oldies." Vincent Battel attacked, a snotty, old ass. He was not in support of Richard's return and he hated his guts.

 "Hey, Vince, if you have a problem with me being here, maybe you can share it with us," Richard retorted.

 Vince grumbled and harrumped but didn't say another word, conceding that round to Richard.

 "Sorry, Mr Leroy. I kinda have something stuck on my mind but I'll focus now, I promise."

 "Better. Okay, we were discussing the new terms concerning Petals' ownership. Richard, you have part ownership, that's settled, but Pete's part is still left vacant. To the best of my knowledge, Peter never mentioned anything heir to his part of the company so I was hoping Mrs Torres knows something about it. Mrs Torres, you have our attention."

 All eyes moved to Regina Torres, elegant widow of the deceased Peter Torres. Regina was exquisitely beautiful and she was quite the perfect wife- good with people, an excellent hostess, a smile that could render a man powerless, and the ability to charm a crowd. Even in her mourning state, she still existed an effortless grace that no woman could contend with. 

 "Pete never expected to part with his family so soon therefore he and I never discussed a successor. But as his next-of-kin, I would be glad to assume his responsibility and I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to keep Petals at its peak. I know that is what he would have wanted," she explained, her words having some lawyers shake their heads in agreement. She leaned forward in her chair, dabbing at her eyes dramatically. 

 "You have spoken well, Regina. All for the motion of Regina as co-owner, show your hand," Leroy announced and the entire house raised their hands, all except...Richard. Regina was surprised at his lack of support and cocked her head in question, quirking her brows.

 "Mr Rossi, is anything the problem?" Leroy repeated for the second time. Richard hated to do this to Regina but the truth has to be told.

 "You were right when you said Pete was not prepared to die this young but he did mention his successor." He dropped the bomb and settled a binder on the table. He slid the item to Leroy and continued:

 "Peter met with me a year ago in Omar during vacation, you remember, right, Regina? We had a lawyer write up the documents contained in that binder but we didn't think to tell anyone because we didn' know, anticipate him dying. He enlisted Jacqueline Emilia Torres as his legal successor."

 Leroy went through the documents and passed it onto other partners. It finally got to Regina, who scanned the papers in utter disbelief.

 "Regina, are you aware of this?" Vincent questioned, his voice quite harsh. She gazed from face to face, feeling stupid. Peter had gone behind her back to concoct an agreement with Richard, totally humiliating behind these gentleman.

 "No. I don't know where this is coming from. Peter never told me about this. I was his wife and he kept this from me." She was doing it again, trying to gain everyone's sympathy.

 "We all symphatize with you, Mrs Torres but this looks legitimate. It has Peter's signature, Richard's and the lawyer who wrote this document. I will contact this lawyer to confirm this but from what I can see, Mrs Torres, this binder changes everything. Miss Jacqueline's presence will be required immediately I have confirmed this for the preparation of a new business contract. Any other comment?"

 Silence reigned in the room, each person looking at each other's face for a reaction.

 "In absence of any reaction or contribution, I adjourn this meeting till further notice. Good day, everyone." Leroy left the room first, taking the binder with him. The murmurs that followed after him was overwhelming and Regina walked away in anger, Vincent trailing behind her. The evil looks Richard was getting were so venomous and full of hate. Uncomfortable with the atmosphere, he scurried out of the room also.

∆     ∆     ∆     ∆

Jacqueline laid on her bed in the privacy of her hostel bed. Ginny and Cameron could not afford to live in the hostels so they lodged together in a low cost apartment. Jackie's roommate, Sixie had gone to a frat party with her boyfriend.

 "Come along, Jacqs. It's gonna literally snow at the party. It would be lots of fun, something you need after losing your father, bae," Sixie had cajoled but Jacqueline had turned her down. She was trying to stop with the drugs because they weren't working for her anymore. Gone were the days when she could get stoned enough to forgot her inner turmoils. She had never discussed it with anyone, not with her family, not with Ginny or Cameron.

 Jacqueline had hoped to talk to Mr Rossi about her decision to quit drugs but he did not want to be bothered with her, just like everybody else. He didn't want to help and she didn't blame him. He didn't have to help if he didn't want to but why it had hurt so much that he had turned her down was what she could not comprehend. 

 Although she had arrived at NYU almost six hours ago, no one had called from home to ask about her journey. She expected such from Kristin, the shallow bitch. but not from her mom. Is she still mad at me? Jacqueline wondered, picking up her phone. She dialled her mother's number, with no idea of what to say to her.


 "Hello, mum. I..."

 "Just kidding. I'm not at the phone right now. Leave a message. I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

 The phone beeped once and went silent. "Stupid voicemail," Jacqueline cursed. The only advantage was that she didn't have to apologize but she was worried about what could be going on. Her mother was a social person therefore it was unusual for her cell to be on voicemail. She hoped her mother was okay.

Zumpty FD

Dear Reader, this is a slow burn novel so if it isn't your kinda book, I suggest you put it down this instant. But if you are curious enough to continue this journey with me, I congratulate your resilience.

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