
Mommy, Can Jordan Be My Daddy?
Mommy, Can Jordan Be My Daddy?
Author: Michele Dixon

Chapter 1 - Daddy Talk

Anushka's P.O.V.

Being one of the most successful women in the country comes with its perks. At age twenty-four, I'm a millionaire with a successful business. People say I had everything handed to me, but that isn't true. My father's business was failing, and I gave him an ultimatum. Let me take over, make me the majority shareholder, and I'll turn it around. If he didn't, I would let it fail and start my own business. It may sound cruel, but my dad is a chauvinistic jerk who thinks a woman's place is in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

As soon as I took over, the business began doing well. I kicked my dad out and gave him the same severance package he had given the women in the company when he laid them off: nothing.  

My mom died when I was thirteen, and I had no siblings, so it was just me and him until I went to college. Luckily, I graduated high school early and began college at sixteen. I graduated with my master's degree in business at nineteen. You would think that would have been enough to prove to my dad I was more than capable of running things, but it wasn't. He offered me a job as a secretary. I declined and accepted a position at a rival company that I planned to start in the fall.  

I met Harrison Andrews in the summer right after graduation. He was handsome and kind and treated me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. We had a whirlwind relationship that led to our eloping to Atlantic City less than a month after we had met. I should have known someone with a last name, for a first name would be a jerk. I didn't find out until a few months later that our entire relationship had been set up. My dad paid Harrison to sweep me off my feet and marry me. When I found out, I should have left immediately, but I didn't because I was pregnant.  

The job that I was supposed to start in the fall was canceled. I had no proof but I believe Harrison and my Dad had something to do with that. There was a tiny bit of hope inside of me that, on some level, Harrison really did love me like he had said. However, when I confronted him about him being paid to be with me, it brought out his true colors. The abuse started with fists to the face and back. He was careful not to punch my stomach because he didn't want to hurt the baby. Harrison was convinced we were having a son.  

I tried to leave him several times, but he always found me. It wasn't until later I found out that Dad was having me watched. He knew what Harrison was doing to me, and rather than help me, he helped him track me down each time I ran away. The last straw was when I found out I was having a girl. As soon as I got the results, I asked my doctor for help. I knew Harrison would kill me and our daughter when he found out. 

I showed Dr. Davidson my bruises and told her everything he was doing to me. She called the police, and they took my statement as well as pictures of my bruises. They arrested Harrison and asked if I was willing to testify if needed. I was more than willing to do whatever they wanted to keep him behind bars. I was placed in a safe house for pregnant women who were hiding from their abusive partners.  

I became stronger and more confident each day I was away from Harrison. He had ensured that I had no contact with anyone other than him, so I had no friends. When I was eight months pregnant, it was time for the trial. Harrison had several high-powered lawyers on his side. I had the pictures of my bruises and my pregnant belly on my side. My dad was there, too, and testified on Harrison's behalf. Unfortunately for them, it didn't do any good. Harrison was sentenced to four years in prison. It wasn't long enough, in my opinion. 

Harrison and I didn't have a prenuptial agreement, so when I filed for divorce after he was sentenced, I had access to all of our money. I bought a small house with a top-of-the-line security system installed. I was only twenty then, but I had a degree I had worked hard for. After I had my beautiful daughter, Dakota, I began consulting part-time for businesses looking to acquire failing businesses. When my father's company appeared on the list of failing businesses, I knew it was my opportunity.

Now, I'm successful and have staff that respect me. I let go of everyone who had worked for my father and started fresh. It was a struggle at first, but everything is running smoothly now. Harrison was just released from prison a few months ago, and I immediately got a restraining order for me and Dakota. I found a good lawyer who stripped him of his parental rights, so he has no right to see her.   

Tomorrow is my twenty-fifth birthday, which is also New Year's Eve. I typically don't do anything to celebrate because I'm too busy working and taking care of Dakota. However, this year, I decided to give myself a break. Dakota and I are going to Curacao to ring in the new year. They are having a huge celebration on the beach, so what better place to celebrate my birthday?  

"Mommy, I'm ready," I turn and smile at my little mini-me. She has the same blonde hair and blue eyes as I do. I'm so glad she looks nothing like her father. She'll be five in a couple of months. She's dressed in her favorite pink skirt, rainbow shirt, and white sandals. It's not appropriate for this time of year in New York, but it's perfect for where we're going.

"You look beautiful," I say as I lift her in my arms and kiss her little cheek. She giggles, and I laugh with her. Even before she was born, she was my reason for not giving up. Knowing I had a child inside of me that was depending on me was all the encouragement I needed to pull myself up. Harrison was a nightmare, but he gave me the best part of himself when he gave me Dakota.

"Do you think you can find me a daddy on the beach?" She asks, looking at me hopefully. This has been her favorite topic lately. They had Daddy's Day at her preschool, and she was one of only a few children without a daddy. How do you tell your four-year-old that the last thing you want is a man right now? Instead, I say what I always say.

"You never know." Dakota, who seems much older than four going on five, puts her hands on my cheeks and looks into my eyes.

"Mommy, I want a Daddy for you, too, so we can be a family." I sit on the couch with her on my lap.

"You and I are a family. Isn't that enough?" I ask her gently.  

"Yes, but sometimes I wish we had a Daddy here too. Kimmie says her Daddy takes her to the park and to get ice cream when her mommy is busy." For the past five years, I had closed my heart off from anyone other than Dakota. That's not something I can explain to her, not yet.  

"How about we finish packing our things? The car will be here to pick us up soon." I ask her, trying to change the subject.

"Okay, but will you think about finding a Daddy?" She asks as she crawls off my lap. Sometimes I think she believes there's a store where we can shop for available men. Like a pet store only with daddies who need a family.  

"I'll think about it." I kiss her forehead, and she runs to her bedroom. Hopefully, the sea air will blow those Daddy thoughts out of her head.  

I check my suitcase to ensure I have everything I need and then check Dakota's. I let her keep what she dressed herself in but insisted that she wear her coat at least until we get to the airport.   

The driver helps us load our suitcases into the trunk and then takes us to the airport. We're flying first class because sometimes the extras do matter, and I wanted to splurge a little.  

By the time we get to the island, it's dark, and we're ready for bed. After we check in, I give Dakota a quick bath and I shower before snuggling into the super-soft mattress. The sound of the ocean outside makes me fall asleep within minutes. I can't wait to have some much-needed relaxation tomorrow.  

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