
Chapter 19: Secrets of the Witches


Sitting by the fire one evening, I couldn't help but bring up the topic that had been gnawing at my curiosity.

"Gertrude," I began tentatively, "I've heard whispers among the young witches about how some sorcerers use the name of witches to deceive humans. Is that true?"

Gertrude's eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and understanding. She let out a soft chuckle before responding, "Ah, my dear, it seems you have stumbled upon one of the darker truths of our existence."

I leaned in, eager to hear more. "Tell me, please. I want to understand."

She nodded, her expression growing somber. "You see, there are those who harness the power of magic for their own gain, without understanding or respecting the true nature of our craft. These sorcerers often pose as witches, exploiting the mystique and allure of our abilities to manipulate and deceive."

"But why?" I asked, my brow furrowing. "What do they gain from pretending to be witches?"

Gertrude let out a sigh, her gaze fixed on the
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