

Morrigan shut her eyes tightly trying to keep her composure as the giggles and chuckles of the pair in the corner echoes in her ears. Trying to bury the thoughts of the scene that she had witnessed earlier. Telling herself that it was all an illusion and once she snapped out of it everything will go back to how it used to be. But why does she ache like this? She felt like her heart is being wrung out of blood, being pierced of thousand needles, and being sliced into thousand cuts. But at the same time, it felt like it was being shattered into a thousand pieces till it was nothing but specks of dust. She feels like she was making a fool of herself for taking things out of context. For putting too much hope in a single kiss.

Of course, he would have a lover. There would always be a person that had caught his attention before her. There will always be someone who comes first in his heart. Why would she assume that the kiss means anything between them? It might be

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