


I drove the kids to school, enjoying the quiet hum of the car and the morning sunshine filtering through the windshield. The kids chattered excitedly in the backseat about their new school and the friends they hoped to make. When we arrived, I parked and walked them to the entrance, each of them holding one of my hands.

"Have a great day, you two," I said, giving them each a kiss on the forehead. "Be good and listen to your teachers."

"We will, Mom!" they chorused, giving me quick hugs before running off to join their classmates.

As I watched them go, a woman approached me with a warm smile. "Hi, you must be Zenith and Zendaya's mom," she said, extending her hand. "I'm Britney, their teacher."

I shook her hand, returning her smile. "Yes, I'm Sylvia. It's nice to meet you."

"Your kids are wonderful. They're adjusting really well," Britney said, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

"That's good to hear. They've been looking forward to starting school here," I replied.

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