


I woke up early to the soft beeping of my alarm, stretching my arms before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. The house was quiet, still wrapped in the calm of dawn. I slipped on my robe and headed to the kids' room to wake them up.

"Good morning, sleepyheads," I whispered as I gently shook Zenith and Zendaya awake.

"Mmm, just a few more minutes," Zenith mumbled, turning over.

"Come on, it's your first day at the new school. We need to get up and get ready," I said with a smile, giving them both a little more encouragement.

Once they were awake, we started with making their beds. Zenith pulled up his comforter, while Zendaya arranged her stuffed animals neatly. With their rooms in order, we headed to the bathroom.

"Time for a shower," I announced, helping them undress and get into the tub. I made sure the water was just right and lathered up the soap, washing away the remnants of sleep. The bathroom filled with the scent of their favorite bubble bath, a comforting
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