
128 : Just a few days

"Enough with the little act Evelyn! I can't stand it anymore, I need to get out of here". Olivia said in annoyance and walked out with Maynard following behind.

She felt really annoyed with Evelyn's little drama of being pitiful. What the hell does she want? Is it to ruin her marriage completely just like Vernes did? More like the past is trying to repeat itself, but in a more difficult way and with a different person.

"God!!! that woman isn't going to be the end of me. Did you see how she turned the situation around just to make her look like a victim?". Olivia complained bitterly.

Maynard just Shaked his head sadly. He was fed up by the constant drama going on all the time and was beginning to have an headache. Maybe he's not man enough to handle the situation as best as he could. If he really is Maynard Sanchez and the man of the house, he should have come up with something to send Evelyn away.

"The atmosphere in this house is truly suffocating!!". Olivia muttered pacing around in
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