
Chapter 50: At The 5th Floor


After my hasty departure, I grabbed my briefcase and made it toward my car. As I slid into the driver's seat, the engine purring to life beneath me, a thought flitted across my mind. Could Isabel be pregnant? And if so, who could the father be?

I shook my head, a futile attempt to dismiss the idea, my mind already conjuring up possibilities and scenarios. But before the wheels of my imagination could start to turn, I turned my attention to the driveway, a final glance back at the Mulan mansion before pulling out of the garage.

As I drove, the questions continued to nag at me. I knew that, if Isabel were indeed pregnant, the revelation would shake the Mulan family to its core, and unleash a torrent of drama and speculation and I wasn't ready for that.

And then there was the even more troubling question of who the father might be. Could it be me, or had someone else stolen her affections?

After wrapping up for the day, I would be embarking on my rendezvous with Estelle. My t
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