
Chapter 40


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I patted my hand on the nightstand feeling for the phone until I got it. I snoozed it and sat up. Is Courtney up yet? I forced myself out of bed and stood using my walking stick as support. I made my way to my bathroom and got myself ready for the day. I put on something basic for the cold weather and since I won’t spend much time outside.

I put on pale tan khaki trousers. I just realized I like wearing tan pants. I added a black long sleeved turtle neck and a checkered long coat.

I came out of my room and saw Courtney on the island sipping milk as Aaron was behind the stove making breakfast. “Good morning Sierra.” both of them said and I smiled back and made my way toward them. Aaron looked at me. I knew he was asking if I needed anything.

I shook my head signaling that I was okay and he nodded. “Sierra, are you escorting me to school again today?” Courtney asked and I nodded as I gently pinched her cheek.

Aaron made Croque madame
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