


Today seems to be an amazing day for me. My mood seems to have escalated from this morning. I’d say it’s because of the terrific event that happened in my room. And happening right here again.

I currently have my tongue shoved down my coworker’s throat. A very hot coworker. Hot as in, she’s fresh, and a brunette with green eyes plus a body to die for.

Luck must be on my side because when I arrived this morning, she just grabbed my hand and led me here. Okay, maybe that’s not all that happened, but I confirm there was a minimum done on my part.

She got hired a few days ago, and I’d admit I had my eyes on her, but I hadn’t approached. When I arrived today, I only sent her a wink with a very polite greeting and seemed like she was onto me too, cause the next break we had; she grabbed my hand and pulled me away faster than I could turn.

“You’re so good at kissing.” She lauds breathlessly as she removes her mouth from mine to catch some air in her lungs, her chest heaving up and down. I smile and wrap both hands around her waist tightly, bringing her body into mine, and I can feel the sound of her fast heartbeats against my chest.

“You aren’t so bad yourself. Quick to follow too.” I return the compliment and she smiles, her eyes glinting as she says, “That’s because I like you.”

“Hmm.” I drop my head forward and let my lips graze over hers. She opens her mouth, waiting for me to take her lips. But I don’t. Not just yet. I tease her first, and when she whines in protest, I laugh and give her ass a small squeeze.

“Come on. We don’t have enough time.”

“You want to? Right here?”

She nods, seeming cool with it, and I fail to hide the astonishment in my voice. “Damn. I think I might have misjudged you. I mistook you for a good girl…” She opens her mouth to speak but when I remove my hands from her waist and spin her, the sound that comes out of her mouth is a yelp instead as I press her against the wall with her hands pinned to her back. I press my chest to her back and lower my mouth to her left ear, “Turns out you’re a bad one. Just exactly my type.”

“Felix…” she moans as I ground my hips into her back. “That feels so good.”

“Wait until I’m inside you,” I murmur boastfully. I use my left hand to lift her folded hands to the wall above her head while my right hand feels up her ass some more before I start to raise her skirt.

“Felix?” A much softer voice than the one I’ve been hearing before me calls as I raise her skirt midway, halting when the voice sounds familiar. I bring Sasha’s skirt down but don’t unpin her hands from the wall as I turn to see who’s interrupted my sweet time.

A sigh leaves my lips, and I let go of Sasha’s hands before moving a step back when I come in contact with brown eyes. Within a second of staring into her eyes, I can already sense the judgment and what else is that? Revulsion? Typical of her.


Sasha moves from the wall and whispers to me. “Who’s she?”

“Go back to your desk,” I whisper back without removing my eyes from Brynn. Her nose is scrunched the way it always is whenever we’re within the same vicinity, which happens to be often. Enough for me to read what it means.

“Oh, you want me to…. How about…”

I remove my eyes from Brynn and send Sasha a tiny smile. “We’ll continue this later. Just need to take care of this.” She nods and then excuses herself from the room.

When I confirm she’s gone, I lean against the wall with my arms crossed to my chest. “Well, if this isn’t the last place I’d expect to find you.”

She scoffs as she starts to move. One step. Two. Three. Four. Then she stops. Putting just enough distance between us. “I was going to wait upstairs for you when the man said you’d be back from your break soon, but being familiar with your tactics, I thought it’d be the complete opposite and guess I was right.”

“What are you doing here, Brynn?” I ignore the bold sarcasm in her voice and ask instead. She tips her chin up slightly and crosses the hand that’s holding her no doubt expensive purse over her chest. “To speak to you.”


The muscles in her face tighten, and her gaze turns glaring. “You need to freaking stop.”

I arch a brow. “I’m not following? Need to stop what?” A second and then I grin. “Oh, that? How’s that any of your…”

“You need to stop teaching Ash bad stuff. You need to stop influencing him with your terrible habits.” She spits, and a chuckle leaves my mouth. “Excuse me?”

She takes another step forward now. “I know it was your fault. It’s because he’s friends with the likes of you…” The derogatory tone she uses when she speaks to me—the few times she does—is one thing I dislike about her. Apart from her shiny, rich, spoilt brat attitude. “He’d have never done that to me. I know it.”

I push myself from the wall and slip my hands inside my pocket as I stride toward her without getting too close. “So let me get this…” I start as I take another step. “You came all the way down to this place because you think I’m the reason your boyfriend cheated on you?” I lift a brow and when she doesn’t give me a response, I laugh.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I whisper under my breath with a heavy drop of my chest.

“It’s expected.” She starts to speak again. “It’s what you do. You have no dignity. You jump from one girl to the other. Take, for example, the girl I caught you here with differs from the girl you were with last night, so why’d it be a surprise to think Ash might have learned a few tricks from you? Or maybe you were the one who persuaded him to do it, considering who and how you are.”

Considering we’ve never spoken this much before, she sure has a lot of stuff to say to me.

“How long have you been waiting to let those out?” I smirk and she swallows, looks away for a second, then looks back at me with her gaze toughened even more. “And how did you know I was with a different girl last night? You didn’t see her before you—”

“Cause I was there last night. In the living room with your best friend when your drunk self waltz into the room with a red-haired hanging on your arm and your clothes untidied.” She says irritably, and I once again do not miss the judgmental tone.

“You must like me so much.”

She snorts. “What?”

I raise my left shoulder in a shrug. “It’s alright to admit it. I’m pretty irresistible, aren’t I? Which is why you couldn’t help yourself with knowing those details. Keeping tabs on me?”

She finally raises the other hand that’s been swinging by her side and crosses it over her chest with the left one. “No. I just have an excellent memory. And anyone would remember that state you were in. You were almost…” One more step forward, and she’s closer than ever now. I can feel the intensity of her look from here and for a second, my gaze shifts from hers to scrutinize the rest of her face. I’m only able to take in how sharpened her brows are and how flawless her skin is—she has absolutely no pores. Even her straight button nose looks shiny. And… and I don’t let my eyes wander further than that. I meet her eyes just the second she lets go of the last word. “Almost pitiful.”

That does it. If there’s anything I hate the most in this world, it’s someone else feeling pity for me, and I swear she would have regretted those words if she weren’t a girl. And not just any girl. My best friend’s girl.

“Alright. I think I’m done standing here and listening to you insult me.” I say as I start to move from her, but she doesn’t even let me get away. “Insult?” She chuckles. “Why are those insults? It’s who you are and stuff you’ve done, and I thought you were proud of them. Why? Does hearing them from another person suddenly make you realize how fucked up you truly are?”

I swear to fucking God…

Lord, help me have this patience.

I riff in a heavy breath and let out an even heavier one before I turn back to her. “Listen here. Ash is my friend, but I could never have any influence over him. If anyone was gonna have any influence over the other, it’d be him over me. So no, I did not teach nor persuade your boyfriend to cheat on you.” Her gaze eases only by a fraction, almost impalpable, and I continue. “And I might be an asshole with no dignity or a man whore, but if I were in a committed relationship, I’d never cheat. Cause taking that decision means being willing to sacrifice every other thing.”

Her lips parts, but no word comes out, and she closes it again.

I take a step back and let my eyes run over her, up and down, before settling on her gaze. “Though standing here and listening to you now, I can understand why he cheated.” I make sure she doesn’t miss the mockery in my voice like I never do hers. “Whiny thing. Whiny little things like you are the worst.”

The satisfaction I feel after seeing the anger in her eyes doesn’t last quite well when she uncrosses her arms and moves faster than I can blink.

An unconsenting gasp leaves my lips as my head whips to the side from the force of her hand, and the sound of her palm connecting to my cheek echoes across the room.

She slapped me. And for a fucking second there, I almost swear she dislocated my jaw.

“Fuck you.” She voices harshly, rage pouring into her voice. “Over and over again, you bastard.” That’s all she spats at me before she starts to leave and I groan as I force my head to follow her movement.

Her ruthlessly snatching her purse from the doorknob is the last thing I see before her frame disappears.

“Fuck.” I moan as I rub my cheek, the skin hot against my touch.

She left me with an almost dislocated jaw and a bruised ego.

How did she manage to exert that much force with just a slap? Aren’t rich girls like her usually weaklings always in need of a knight in shining armor? And her mouth was sharper than I thought. She knew the right words to say to pierce through my heart—almost like she had been waiting for this moment to crush me.

Not crushed through.

But totally bruised.

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