

Lexi’s POV

“Hey!” Ivan’s voice made me lift my head up from the last file I was working on. I had no idea how long I’ve been sitting behind the desk working but I was sure that it was for hours because it wasn’t until now did I start feeling the pain in my fingers and back.

“You’re back,” I smiled, “I’ll just finish up with this and… done!” I added before standing up to hug Ivan, he looked stressed and he didn't need to tell me how his day went because I could already guess.

Smiling, we walked out of the study together, on our way to his room Celine saw us and I didn’t miss the pure hatred and disgust in her eyes as we passed her but I also didn’t care.

Ivan stood behind me as we were about to go in, I knew he was excited and in such a good mood but just when I was about to ask why he placed his palm on my eyes before opening the door.

“I have a surprise for you, but you can’t see until I tell you so just keep your eyes closed and wait for my order to open them.” He finished.

It was e
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