
The Interview

Anna’s POV

I almost did not hear my name being called, as I waited with my head in my hands.

My daughter’s question had completely unsettled me. I knew it wasn’t possible that Mark was their father. Besides the deep blue eyes they shared, they had no other similarities. The truth is, I wasn’t entirely sure who their father was either.

After that tragic incident that happened eight years ago, I packed my bags and left Brigdon and everything behind. There was nothing left for me in that town anymore.

I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I got to Delroy and didn’t know who to call. I had been with Luke earlier that week before I woke up in bed with that stranger. Either of them could have been their father.

Still, I couldn’t dismiss the fact that Julia was right. My first son Derek looked a lot like Mark, which left me very confused.

“Ms Brookes…Ms Brookes…” the secretary called, and I quickly jerked up.

“We’re ready for you,” she said with a smile.

I quickly stood up and followed her into the office. The moment I walked in, I froze in shock.

My body tensed with fear immediately I saw her. 

“No, not her,” I muttered to myself. She was looking through my folder when I walked in and did not notice me. This woman had cost me my old job and I feared she wouldn’t even give me a chance at this one when she saw me.

However, as I stared at her now, I felt my anger growing. She was the reason things had taken a turn for the worse for me, and why my children might suffer if I didn’t get this job.

Still, despite my provocation, I decided to compose myself and swallow my anger and pride for the sake of my children.

“Ms Ryan, the next candidate’s here,” The secretary announced. 

Mia looked up and I could tell right away that she recognized me. Yet she did not say anything at first. She stared at me with a scrutinizing gaze and then burst out laughing loudly.

“Ma’am, I just want to apologize for what happened at the car launch, I did not know Mr Grayson was your boyfriend and it was an accident…” I started to say but she harshly shut me up.

“How dare you show up here?” She asked and quickly shifted her gaze to the secretary.

“Rita, what is this tramp doing in this office? I asked you to bring me eligible candidates and you bring her in?!”

“Just look at the cheap trash she’s wearing for an interview”

“Look at her. Do you honestly think that a lowlife like her should be working in a home like this?”

“I’m not a lowlife. I’m just a mother trying to take care of her children,” I muttered weakly.

“What’s that?” Mia asked, standing up and approaching me,

“Speak up honey! Is there something you want to say, huh?” She flared, but still, I remained silent.

“Oh, so now you’re speechless? A while ago, it seemed like you had so much you wanted to say to me, so say it!” Mia snarled, glaring at me.

Suddenly, her expression softened, and a wry smirk appeared on her face,

“Do you even know who you are dealing with?” She scowled, but I kept looking away

“Look at me!” She shouted angrily. 

“This is what a real woman looks like - something you’ll never know how to be. Save yourself the heartache, Mark is way out of your league.”

“You’re nothing…how dare you make a move on my boyfriend and then have the audacity to show up at his house looking for a job in this cheap shit you call clothes!” Mia snarled, ripping off my sleeve with her sharp nails, bruising my arm in the process.

"Did you really think you could steal my boyfriend from me, you bitch?"

"Tell me, what was the plan? Did you think if you got a job here, you could have access to Mark and try to seduce him?"

"How bold of you," she said, then turned away,

“You must be confused about what we’re doing here sweetheart. We’re not looking for trailer park trash like you. Perhaps you’d find a better fit applying at a bar downtown,” she said condescendingly, staring me directly in the eyes.

“Bring in the next person, and this time, try not to drag in any filth. Speaking of filth, show her to the door and have security escort her out of the building.” 

“I’m sorry ma’am.” the secretary apologized and turned to me.

Just then, the door opened and Mark walked in. As soon as he saw me, he slowly lowered his phone from his ear and approached me.

He looked concerned by my sullen look, and even more surprised to see me.

“What are you doing here honey? Don’t you have that meeting with Zenix Enterprise?” Mia asked, quickly walking towards him

“They can wait,” Mark replied, and brushed past her, his eyes still fixated on me.

“It’s you” he uttered, still staring at me, but at this time I was too embarrassed to look at him. I could feel his eyes on me and could not help but feel humiliated. Mia was right, even if I wanted him, I could not have him, he was well above my class.

“What happened to your arm?” He suddenly asked with a curious look. I tried to hide the bruises, too afraid to say anything.

Mark heaved a deep sigh and his jaws suddenly clenched in anger. Then without saying a word, he took off his coat, placed it around my shoulder, and turned toward Mia,

“Did you do this to her?” He asked, his brows furrowing in anger.

“Mark honey, we can’t have someone like her working here,” Mia retorted.

“Is that why you tore her clothes and bruised her?” He asked, his voice becoming deeper and angrier as he spoke.

At this time, Mia seemed on edge, struggling to find words,

“Mark, I-I… she was…” she stuttered.

“She was what Mia?!” Mark growled, deeply annoyed.

“She’s just…” she started, but quickly lost her argument.

“Urgh!” Mia groaned in frustration, annoyed to see Mark standing up for me, she turned and stormed out.

I was still frozen in the corner, holding my breath, afraid to whisper a word when Mark shifted his gaze towards me. He stared at me intently and then said,

“Give her the job Rita. Get her settled in and ready to start as soon as possible”.”

“Yes sir,” Rita nodded.

I should have been excited, but for some reason, I was not. I wouldn’t say Mia was entirely right, but she had a point.  We were in completely different worlds and if I took this job here, I would have to give up my self-respect to work for people like these. Rich brats like Mia who were disgusted by and treated people like me with disdain, like I was some common filth. I couldn’t do it.

“No,” I uttered.

“What?” Mark turned to me in confusion.

“I’m sorry, I can’t accept your offer,” I said and without waiting for his response, turned and headed out.

However, just then, my phone buzzed. I quickly retrieved it from my purse and immediately my heart skipped a beat as soon as I saw it was the hospital,

“Hello?” I answered anxiously.

“Ms Brookes?”

“Yes?” I replied.

“We’re calling to remind you of your daughter’s medication payment. Today is the last day to complete her bills and if you’re unable to do so, we’ll have to stop her prescription pills. Please try to make all remaining payments before the end of the day. Thank you,” the nurse said and immediately hung up.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I didn’t want this job anymore, but I was all my children had. I couldn’t disappoint them. I had to do this, if not for anything else, then for Julia. I couldn’t bear the thought of what would happen if I couldn’t afford her medications anymore.

With that, I slowly turned toward Mark and said weakly,

“I’ll do it. I’ll take the job if you’re still offering.”

Mark looked at me with curiosity, as if he could sense something was wrong. Still, I couldn’t look him in the eyes and looked away uncomfortably.

"The job is yours," he said, and I felt a rush of excitement, then he turned to Rita and instructed, "Show her around and fill her in on her roles."

He started to walk towards the door and then suddenly stopped as if he just remembered something,

“What’s your name?”

“Anna…Anna Brookes” I replied timidly

He turned towards me, a wry smirk appearing on his face,

“Well, Anna Brookes, if you’re going to work here, there are a few conditions you’ll need to agree to.”

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