
Chapter 174

In an instant, the entire room froze.

Joshua's smile turned into a grimace of embarrassment.

"Mr. Loder, you must be joking! If it wasn't for my sake, why would you kill members of the Lester family? Is it because of that piece of crap, Frederick?"


As soon as Joshua finished speaking, Glen's hand came down hard. The blow sent Joshua spinning on the spot. He saw stars, and blood gushed from his mouth and nose.

The crisp sound of the slap startled Stella and Malcolm. Their bodies trembled as they stared in disbelief.

What was happening? Glen was hitting Joshua? Didn't he step up to kill the Lesters for Joshua's sake?

"S-sir, why...?" Joshua, bloodied and dazed, struggled to comprehend the situation.

"Calling Mr. Lester crap? You, a mere worm, dare to insult someone as great as him?!" Glen roared, his anger uncontainable. "Even I have to bend over backward for him! You ants really don't know your place!"

His words were like thunder, leaving everyone stunned and speechles
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