
Chapter 390

Outside the hotel, Selene suddenly stopped in her tracks. Then, she said hesitantly, "Fred, I'm sorry!"

"What's wrong?" Frederick turned around.

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have offended Parker Properties and Mirage Construction. Will this affect your career?" Selene bit her lip, feeling guilty.

Frederick chuckled silently, and pinched her cheek gently. "Who cares who they are? I would have done the same to anyone who dared bully my sister. Even if it was the king himself, I would tear down his palace!"

"Fred..." Selene was moved to the brink of tears.

She walked up to him and hugged him tightly, and her eyes were slightly red. "Don't be so good to me! You need to think about yourself more, too!"

Frederick held her close, his voice filled with affection as he said, "I have no other family besides you and Mom. If I don't protect you both, what else is worth protecting?"

Of course, there was Jennifer, the ice queen. He would somewhat consider her as part of his family.

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