
Christmas Shopping


I jolted in my sleep when I heard the familiar ringtone of my phone. I hit the answer button sleepily.

"Good morning, Love". I greeted him with my weak voice.

"Good morning, Princess. Oh, did I wake you up with my phone call? he said with his sorry voice.

"Hmmm, but it's okay I can sleep again later. Are you on your way to your meeting?

"Yes, Jeff is already down waiting for me. I was going to message you earlier but I wanted to hear your voice before I start my long day. Sorry for waking you up, princess".

"Don't worry Love, it's all good I'm glad you called I love to hear your voice as well. Have your breakfast before you start your meeting okay". I reminded him.

"Yes, princess I will. Take care when you go out later, wear thick clothes I don't want you to catch a cold. I will call you again in my free time later. I need to go now, princess. You go back to sleep after I ended it. Love you.

"Hmm, Love you". In my sleepy state, I didn't realize Isaac already ende
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