
Chapter 4: Don't call me mother.

In a mansion somewhere inside the city arguments could be heard from a tiny voice as she continuously repeated the words;

"Grandma I want to go home,I don't want to stay here anymore . I want to meet my mommy!!", the little girl ranted as she held the hands of her unaware little sister.

"Listen to grandma Ginny, you will meet your mommy soon. You are just staying here for the weekend okay?- So come and take off your uniform and then we can go play, how about that?". The old lady asked with a smile as she bent to Georgina's height and patted her head.

Georgina looked at her grandmother and appeared convinced; "Okay grandma, but can I call mommy, she will get worried if she doesn't see us at school or at home and I am sure daddy won't tell her we are here, so can I call her

... please?!!", she pleaded.

"Alright, let me get my phone so you can call her", The old woman said as she got her phone out of her bag and dialled Eleana's number.


Eleana was on her way to Dane's parents house when she got a call from Mrs Diamen, Dane's mother.

"Sigh!- She picked up the phone and connected it to the car speaker; "Goodevening Mother",

"Eleana, how many times have I told you not to call me that?", Mrs Diamen replied in distaste.

"Sorry, I forgot", Eleana replied as she took out a handkerchief to clean her bloodied face whilst focusing on the road.

"Enough of that!, your daughter wants to talk to you", Mrs Diamen said as she passed the phone to Georgina .

Taking the phone from her grandmother, Georgina happily said; "Mommy".

Finally knowing her children were okay , Eleana breathe out in relief.

"Hey baby, how are you? And your sister, is she there with you?".

"Yes mommy, we are both fine. I'm sorry I couldn't call you earlier today, daddy came to pick us up from school and took us directly to grandma's house. I know you must have been worried".

Eleana smiled sweetly and said; "Umm..true, mommy was worried when she couldn't find you at home but you don't have to be sorry baby. I'm not mad. You know what!. I am on my way to your grandma's house and I will take you guys with me ,okay?".

"Really mommy?! You're coming to take us?", Georgina asked in excitement.

Mrs Diamen countenance turned turned bad as she heard that statement.

"Yes, in fact I am almost there, so just wait for me a bit okay?".

"Yes mommy". Georgina had just said when Mrs Diamen asked for the phone from her.

"Ginny dear, may I speak to your mom?".

"Of course grandma. Mommy, grandma wants to speak with you". Georgina told Eleana as she handed over the phone to her grandmother.

Eleana already knew what she was gonna say, she and her mother-in-law had never been on good terms. Well she won't blame her as she was always against her son marrying her.

"What do you mean you are coming to pick them up?". Mrs Diamen asked authoritatively.

"The literal meaning ma, I am close to the house already".

"Eleana need I remind you that you were told never to step your foot on this house every again and you also vow not to, so what do you think you are trying to achieve by breaking that vow?".

"Vow or no vow, I am taking my children with me and if you don't want me in the house you can bring them outside I don't mind, but my kids.. goes.. with.. me", Eleana said as she spat out every word firmly.

"Mind you I am their grandmother and..."

"But I am their mother!!". Eleana cut her off. She then told a deep breath and calmly said; "Mrs Diamen, I am not trying to keep the kids away from you , no, but for now they are coming with me. I hope you can understand that".

"Hump!!, do what you want". Mrs Diamen said as she hanged up the call.


A moment later Eleana got to the Diamen's house. She parked the car and pulled down the car mirror to concealed the bruise on her forehead and she cleaned ever last bit of dry blood on her face.

Inside the house:

The sound of a car parking could be heard from the living room and Georgina ran to the window to take a look.

"Look Isabelle, mommy is here", she said excitedly as she gestured to her little sister to come take a look.

"Careful now children, don't run". Mrs Diamen said as she walked to the door to open it.

Eleana was about to ring the bell when the door was opened from inside.

Mrs Diamen looked at the beautiful yet skinny figure of her so called daughter-in-law. She looked miserable than before, not that she pity her tho, she never consented to their marriage as she knew it wasn't going to end well for anybody.

She was about to chastise her when her eyes caught the bruise on her head, she could tell Eleana tried to conceal it.

"Sigh! Dane is at it again". Mrs Diamen thought.

"Hello Ma". Eleana greeted as she stood at the door.

With a snort Mrs Diamen replied; "You can come inside Eleana, I don't want the kids to think that I am bullying their mom and if you don't want them to ask I suggest you put on more shade to cover the bruise on your head". She then left the door and walked into the house.

As Eleana entered the house a little ball of lightning struck her and held her tight, it was her youngest daughter Isabelle.

"Mama". Isabelle called out.

"Mummy, you are here". Georgina said as she also ran to hug her mother.

Eleana took Isabelle up and in her arms and patted Georgina's hair.

"Hm, I am here. Are you guys ready?".

"Yes mom, let me get our backpack". Georgina said as she went back get it.

"Eleana!". Mrs Diamen called out. "May I have a word with you?". She asked.

Startled, Eleana agreed; "Um... Sure, give me a minute ". She said and put Isabelle down. "Baby, mama is going to speak with grandma so you just stay here and wait for mama okay ?".

"Okay mama". Isabelle replied in her sweet tiny voice.

"That's my girl!". Eleana praised as she ruffled her hair. She then walk up to Dane's mother who took her to the study room adjacent to the living room.

"Please close the door". Mrs Diamen said.

Eleana looked at her in confusion.

"Sigh! I don't want the kids to hear what I am about to say". She added when she saw the look Eleana gave her. "It's not like I want to murder you in secret". She added that last part in a whisper.

Eleana was about closing the door when she heard the last statement.

_It wouldn't be surprising if you wanted to, your son does way worse than that_.

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