
Chapter 3: Acquaintance

Eleana arrived at a simple looking house on the outskirts of the city, it was where she and Gabriella lived before she got married to Dane.

She parked the car at the side of the road and walked towards the building.

The walkway of the house was covered in leaves and the place looks deserted.

"Is she no longer living here?", Eleana thought.

Seeing the depilated figure of the house ,Eleana decided to ask around. She walked to the house across the street and stood in front of the door.

She looked at the door for a while as she contemplated whether to knock or not. Finally coming to a conclusion, Eleana knocked on the door.

"Who is it?". The voice of a woman could be heard from inside the house. The door opened and a middle aged woman walked out.

"Hello, who are you?".

Eleana stared at the woman in front of her and couldn't help but tear up.

-She has gotten a few wrinkles, I can't believe I'm standing here after all these years-.

The middle aged woman look intently at Eleana as she tried to remember where she had seen her.

"Do I know you, you look a bit familiar?", the woman asked as she looked closely.

With a sad smile, Eleana replied; "Ma Kim, I guess you can't remember me as it's been five years since you last saw me, back then when I visit, you usually make your delicious sweet and sour pork ribs and said you wouldn't give up until I learn how to use the chopstick".

Eleana took the woman's hand in hers, "Come on Ma Kim, don't tell me you still don't recognize me".

At that moment the middle aged lady widened her eyes in disbelief and shock.

"Li...little..little swan, is it really you?".

"Yes Ma Kim, it is me ". Eleana replied with tears pooling on her eyes as she hugged the middle aged woman tightly.


After some time, they sat on a bench in the court yard as they reminisced.

"So, what really happened. Back then you just stopped coming and Lala wouldn't talk to anyone. I couldn't reach you through your cell. What happened to you both? You were closer than sisters", Ma Kim probed.

-Sigh!- , "I said something really bad to her, it was hurtful and degrading and I didn't trust her enough. I thought I was doing the right thing but it turned out that I was wrong, really wrong and it took me so much time to realise that".

Holding the hands of Ma Kim Eleana pleaded earnestly, "So Ma Kim, if you know where she is or any way to contact her please tell me, I want to make this right. I know that I am probably too late but I still want to apologise and let her know how sorry I am for all the hurtful things I said to her, please, help me".

"Hump!", Ma Kim gave off a low sigh.

"She moved out a year ago, I think she was waiting for you. During Christmas every year she always kept you room light shining just as you did when you lived together. No matter what we did we just.... couldn't fill that spot you had with her".

At this time the tears Eleana was trying to hold back fell uncontrollably.

"Now now, don't cry, it's okay". Ma Kim said as she patted her hair.

"I don't know what you did or said to her but I do know that she would really want to see you, no matter how angry she seem. Wait a second",Ma Kim said as she went inside and came out a moment later with a paper on her hand.

"She visited early this year and dropped her address saying we could come over anytime and visit her, take it", Ma Kim said as she gave the paper to Eleana.

"Thank you for this Ma Kim, I really appreciate it. I have to go now, it's getting a bit late. I'll come visit when I can ". Eleana said as she stood up to leave.

"Alright , but come back soon. I'm sure your uncle would have loved to see you before you leave".

"You can pass my greetings to him, and tell him that when next I come I would really love the sweet and sour pork ribs".

"Haha!, he will be happy to prepare it for you. Stay safe Eleana ".

"I will Ma". Eleana replied as she left the house and walked to her car. She took one last look at the abandoned building and drove away.


Eleana was in no hurry to go back, so she drove round the city and only went back when it was time to pick up her children from school.

She got there but was told that Dane had already picked them up.

Eleana had a foreboding feeling about this. -when was the last time Dane picked them up from school?-, Eleana asked herself.

Eleana drove back home and had just entered the house when a tea cup was sent flying in her direction.

She couldn't react as the tea cup hit her squarely on her head. Blood trickled from her forehead pass her face and down to the floor.

Eleana balled up her fist as she refused to let a single tear drop. She looked at him in the eyes as he stare daggers at her.

"Where the bloody hell are you coming back from woman?", Dane asked as he looked at her in anger.

In quietness and meekness, Eleana replied with a question; "Where are the children?".

"I asked you a damn question didn't I? As for the children, since you can run to your secret lover I don't think they need someone like you", Dane spat those words at her.

Eleana walked slowly to Dane as she enunciated each word with her bloodied face adding to the creepiness on her eyes; "Where.....Is....My....Children!!!!".

"How dare you!?", Dane said as he raised his hands to slap her.

At that moment Eleana had , had enough. -No, I can't take this anymore, fight Eleana-.

Just before the slap could land on her face Eleana held Dane's hand with unbelievable force, she then shove him with all her might.

Unfortunately for Dane and fortunately for her, he slipped and banged his head against the table which knocked him out.

She backed away in fear as she thought he was dead; "D...Dane?", she called out softly as she walked to him and checked if he was still breathing .

Hearing and feeling the air from his nostrils, Eleana sighed in relieve. She checked the house but found no trace of her daughters.

-Come on Eleana , think. Where would he hide them-. Eleana thought as she placed round the room.

At the minute, Dane's phone rang. Eleana looked at the caller and it was his mom.

"Of course, where else could they be". Eleana thought. She took the phone and ran out of the house as Dane showed signs of waking up.

She ran to the car and drove out in a frightening speed as she headed to her in-laws home.

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