
Chapter 2: Reconciliation

The next morning, Eleana was up early and got her children ready for school, she prepared ths things they needed and took them to school herself without waiting for her husband to wake up.

It was still early so Eleana had to wait for sometime before heading to their school. She took them for a jolly ride and drove back when it was quarter past seven as the school opens at seven-thirty.

She parked the car and they all came down. Eleana carried Isabelle, her second daughter on her arms while she held Ginny's hand and led them to the school gate.

The teachers were already at the gate welcoming the pupils, the gate was less crowded as it was still early.

Eleana put down Isabelle and walked her to her teacher.

"Goodmorning Mrs Dane, you are quite early today". Isabelle's teacher greeted her.

"Morning Miss. Yeah, we decided to be early. Alright Belle, say hello to your teacher".

"Hello", Isabelle repeated in her tiny childish voice.

"Hello sweet Isabelle, you look more beautiful today".

Isabelle gave a big smile and Eleana replied, "Okay baby, your teacher will take you inside okay".

"Hmm,, bye bye mama", Isabelle said as she took her teacher's hand and they walked into the school compound.

"Go with them Ginny, your teacher might be inside already ".

Ginny didn't go with them but looked at her mother and asked worriedly. "Mommy are you alright now?",

Eleana smiled at her and squatted to her height, " Yes baby, mommy is feeling fine now ", she said as she ruffled Georgina's hair.

"Are you going back home?", Georgina asked again.

"Nope, mommy has somewhere else to go this morning, so be a good girl at school okay?".Eleana said and stood up.

"Um, take care mommy, byee", Ginny waved at her mother and then walked into the school compound.

Eleana waved back and watch her until she disappeared into the compound before walking to her car.

Inside the car she opened her bag and took out her phone and dialled a number, she looked hesitant.

"Will she answer my call after all these years?", Eleana thought to herself.

Ring!Ring!Ring!Ring!, the line rang for a while but nobody answered. She dialed again and it still went unanswered, she dialed for the third time but heard the mechanical voice telling her the line was switched off.

"Ha!", Eleana laughed.

"She is still so petty", she dropped the phone and drove off heading downtown to a place she vowed never to set foot on.

As she sped down the road she felt a sense of nostalgia.

"It's been a while since I had a good drive... Would she forgive me?", Eleana thought to herself as she remembered the last time she spoke to Gabriella, her best friend, which didn't end well.


"Listen to me Eleana, I know what I saw and heard, you have to leave this man he isn't good for you".

"Gabby, we've talked about this countless times, I love Dane and...."

"Are you even listening to me Eleana!!!",

Eleana stood up abruptly, "I am, I have been listening to you spout rubbish against my husband and I won't take it any more okay".

She took a deep breathe and held

Gabriella's hand as she sat down.

"Gabby, you are my best friend and I know you want what is best for me and I love you for that, but can you please accept Dane, he is a good man and I love him very much. Maybe you misunderstood what they said ". Eleana said softly.

Gabriella snatched her hand back and said firmly; " I didn't misunderstand anything and I can't watch you do this to yourself, you have to leave him El".

"Well I won't, if you think I am going to leave my husband because you have some suspicions about him then you are highly mistaken ".

"You know what, Dane warned me about you actually. He said you would try to make me leave him. He told me you made advances towards him"

Scoff! "And you believe that?", Gabriella asked.

"I didn't at the time but I'm not so sure now, if you didn't want him why are you trying so hard to convince me to leave him huh? I thought you were my friend ".

"You are like a sister to me Eleana and I don't want you to end up like those girls did, look, just take a look at these pictures, pictures of girls he dated before all complaining of physical abuse , are you sure you want this life for yourself, huh, for your child?", Gabriella asked with a slightly raised tone.

"Dane has never hit me and if it were true why didn't those girls report it Huh? Why keep quite about it?". Eleana asked filled with doubts.

"Because they can't, they were paid to keep silent , don't forget his family is rich, they can pay off anyone!. Listen to me Eleana, when you leave him we can leave this country or go far away and makes sure he never finds you or your child and....."

"Enough!!, I don't want to hear another word. I am not leaving my husband just because you say so, right now I think Dane was right. You want him too right? You want my husband?". Eleana cut off Gabriella rudely.

"I can't believe this, you would choose to believe what an outsider said over your family ".

"You're the outsider!!!...Dane is my husband and what are you to me? huh? Family? Friend?, I don't think so, my family wouldn't try to break up my marriage".

"Then what am I to you?", Gabriella asked softly.

An eerie silence followed after Gabriellla asked that question.. Everything came to a stand still and Eleana was at a loss on what to say.

"At the moment, I don't know". Eleana replied truthfully.

Gabriella looked at her with shock and pain written on her face. Then she looked down and scoffed bitterly.

"I see, well, thank you for making me know that now. If I leave here and you still don't believe me then do not contact me ever again".

" I won't!! I will never believe what you just said about my husband ".

Gabriella stood up and took her bag; "Then I guess this is good bye, take care of yourself Eleana and for your children's sake, I hope you don't regret this".

"I will never regret it!". Eleana said stubbornly.

"I pray so", Gabriella replied as she walked out with great sadness.

Eleana looked at her back sadly and that was the last time she saw her dear friend again.

 It's been three years now, can she ever forgive me? Sigh!.

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