
My Daughter Wants A New Dad: My Lucky Star
My Daughter Wants A New Dad: My Lucky Star
Author: Yantin05

Chapter 1: Let's get A Divorce.


The sound of a metal hitting the floor could be heard as a body flown across the table.

Standing up Eleana chuckled with a bloody mouth; "So it has gotten to this right? Bringing your mistresses home to stay in the same house with your kids!!!! Are you even human Dane?!!!".

" You can have your fill outside I don't care but this.....this....this is the last straw". Eleana said in an enraged tone.

"Human?? Ha.... You dare to talk back at me woman? You sure have gotten bold, how dare you!!!? This house belongs to me, I am the man of this house and you have to abide by my rules".

" I say who can and cannot enter this house woman and not you, this was just a warning cause the next time you dare interrupt my pleasure time with my baby I will "......

"You will what!???? Eleana interrupted.

"Huh,,,,beat me? rape me? or take me to those whore house and make me watch you pleasure yourself ? What else can you do?"...

"You're testing my patience woman, don't push me".....

"Mummy, daddy are you guys fighting again?", a sob came from the tiny voice of a little girl no more than seven years of age, she stood at the door looking at her parents with tears in her eyes.

Wiping her bleeding lips Eleana cleaned the tears off her eyes and walked to her daughter as she squatted.

"No baby,, mommy and daddy were just talking a bit loudly, did we wake you up?".

Unconvinced her daughter stared at her and raised her little hand to touch her mother's lips, "You're bleeding mommy, you don't have to lie to me I know who did it".

Holding the tears that is trying to spill from her eyes Eleana said, "Oh baby, this..this is just a little cut I got when I slipped and fell, your dad even helped me up. Sorry we woke you, now off to bed you have school tomorrow and we don't want you to be late now do we".

She starred at her father for a while and then looked back at her mother. "Okay mommy, goodnight. I love you okay", Ginny said as she pecked her mother on her cheek.

"Goodnight night baby, mommy loves you more", Eleana kissed her on her forehead.

Ginny walked back up the stairs and Eleana looked back and saw her husband sitting on one of the kitchen chairs as he stared at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that, you want to continue fighting?".

"You are too boring for me to even beat anymore,, come serve me dinner". Dane said as he relaxed on the chair and cross his legs.

"Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha", Eleana burst into laughter and the tears she has been holding back burst out like flowing water.

"Have you finally gone mad, what are you laughing for?". Dane asked as he looked at Eleana with a scrunched face.

Eleana finally stopped laughing and looked at Dabe weirdly, "Mad?? Mad?, Yes,, I think I am mad, I stayed in this excuse of a marriage for six years, I bore everything for six years Dane. Yes I am mad, I watched you sleep with girls around town , yes I am mad, you made me watch while you Pleasure yourself with those girls and I still stayed, yes I am mad, you turned me to a housewife and a punching bag and now I even let you bring them to our matrimonial home, YES I AM MAD!!!!!!!". Eleana screamed loudly.

"I have been mad for six years to bear these insults and humiliation thinking that maybe, just maybe one day he will change, when his daughters grow up he will change, they will change him, I WAS MAD!!,,,but not anymore, i can't do this anymore". Eleana said as she slumped on the floor.

"Are you done with your ranting, I have to say the performance was nice and cool but I am really hungry now and you know how angry I get when I am hungry, don't test me". Dane said clearly irritated and without any feeling of remorse about what she just said.

"I can't do this anymore Dane, I'm tired". Eleana said in a weak voice, her despair and pain could be felt but the man next to her felt nothing .

Dane finally sat up and looked squarely at her, "You know you could have avoided all this if only you had given me a male child, but no, all you could do was give birth to a bunch of useless girls that can not inherit my business, if only you had given me a son all these would not have happened!!!".

"So just stop with your sob story and get me some food, when you are done let me know, oh also cook for Sarah she hasn't eaten anything since we have been busy all day, you know", he said as he gave her a wink.

He stood up and walked past her as he headed up the stairs.

"Let's get a divorce". A meek voice muttered.

Dane immediately stopped in his footsteps and turned around abruptly, "What did you just say?",

Standing up and straightening her clothes Eleana looke directly into Dane's eyes and said much more clearly and boldly, "Let's get a divorce, you want a male child which I can't give you and you also have a new lover so we have no reason to be together, let's just get it over with".

Dane looked in disbelief at Eleana, this woman sure has guts now she dare ask for a divorce. "Impossible, you are going now where. We are married for life, I will never let you leave, never ".

Scoff! "Why, we clearly can't stand each other, just let me go".

Walking quickly to her Dane grabbed her hand tightly and looked very angry,"Read my lips Eleana, We..Are..Not..Getting..A..Divorce!!!!!!", he said with gritted teeth.

Having been numbed with all the pain she has ever felt, Eleana wriggled her hands out of his hand and said," I don't want to stay with you anymore Dane, not anymore ".

Dane slapped her hard across the face, "Just try and see if you will win in court because if you do push through with this just know that you will never see your precious daughters again, I will make sure of that". Dane said as he angrily walked up the stairs..

Eleana stared at the empty hair in silence as she looked lost and dejected.

At that moment a little figure came out of where it has been hiding and walked to Eleana and gave her a hug..

With a face full of Surprise, Eleana stared at her daughter in shock, "Baby were you standing there all along?".

"Yes mommy, I heard and saw everything too, don't worry mommy I won't let daddy take us away from you. I will stay with you mommy".

With all the hurts and pains Eleana bend down and hugged her daughter tightly as she sobbed silently..

Georgina Patted her mother's head just the way she would do to her if she is sad, "That's okay mommy, don't be sad anymore, it's okay".

Eleana let her go and looked at her, "Yes baby, this is the last time, mommy wouldn't cry anymore. From now on mommy will just live you and your sister and take care of you guys okay, we will all be very happy soon baby".

"You will be happy too mommy, as long as you are happy we are happy too" Georgina said as she wiped her mother's tears.

"Ha! Awwww, my baby is sooo sweet, yes mommy will be happy with you guys".

"Alright, it's time for bed okay. You have to go to school tomorrow so....mommy will read a story for you", Eleana said as she lifted her and took her inside.


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