
Her ears were for decoration

The Hunts and the Thompsons were the major shareholders of the school and the Thompsons holds more than 35% of the shares making them the second largest shareholder.

Even if the relationship between the first and second branches is not that good, they will always be united to fight against outsiders.

And most importantly, Amy has a very close relationship with Katherine from the first branch, they were best of friends.

Since Amy is one of the only two friends Katherine has, she was very good to her and will give her whatever she wanted which gives birth to Amy's belief, what belongs to the first branch also belongs to them which prompts her to do whatever she likes since there is always someone to clean the mess she made.

The first branch's girls are of good character and never use their status to bully others but Amy on the other hand was the complete opposite.

And now, an unknown transfer student dares to embarrass a princess, It simply means that the person is seeking death.

However, Thelma who was playing with her phone was not bothered about this thing at all.


Class D.

As the worst academic class, it was full of noise, unlike the quiet class A.

Here, the students liked playing around especially the boys while the female students were especially knowledgeable when it comes to clubbing, smoking, and fashion.

Amy walked in the corridor gracefully and she paused when she reached her class door.

What Isabella said in the school cafeteria earlier rang again in her ear.

"If you want to see him, you can just perform excellently in your examination next year and join class A and then you can see your crush every day."

"That bitch." Amy thought in anger and shook her head before walking into the class.

The way she walk was as if she was walking on the red carpet.

The moment she entered the class, some of the boys immediately put on their best pose and look at her with their eyes full of adoration while others ignore her and continued with what they were doing.

Some of the girls glared at her in jealousy and there were still some that smile at her brightly.

This kind of attention always makes Amy feel like she was a real princess and that it was only right that she attracts much attention.

She walks elegantly to her seat without sparing the boys a glance.

Her desk mate is a black girl with an average look, she has a timid personality and was only a fun thing for Amy to secretly bully when she was angry.

The girl was afraid of reporting Amy to the school authority since she was threatened by Amy with her father's company.

Although her father's company is already like a giant that some people look up to, but to the Thompsons, it was like an ant that can be killed with a few stomps of their feet.

The girl's name is Ava, the moment she saw Amy's arrogant expression, she heaved a sigh of relief.

She can tell that Amy was not angry at the moment.

One of the female students glared resentfully at Amy before whispering to her friend in the ear with a giggle, though her voice was quite loud.

"I heard that Princess Amy's ears were for decoration!."

The other girl immediately burst into laughter.

Amy's face darkened and she stood up angrily and walked toward the girl.

"Are you talking about me?!" she asked, resuming her haughty look as she cross her arm against her chest, waiting for the girl to get on her knees to beg her.

But the girl wasn't fazed a bit as she remarked slyly.

"Since you think that you were the one that I am talking about, then it is you.''

The other female students that don't like Amy also burst into laughter.

"Wow, Princess Amy's ears are really for decoration, I can't believe it."

"Shouldn't her parents take her to the hospital?."

"Maybe they weren't aware yet."

"I heard that she was a lunatic too!."

"Hahahaha, a lunatic indeed!."

Amy's face darkened, when has anyone laughed at her like that before, and now, she was humiliated two times that day.

Her hatred for Thelma intensified in her heart.

She was so infuriated and she shouted angrily at the girls who were laughing at her.

"Shut the fuck up all of you! I can clearly hear what you guys were saying, how are my ears for decoration?!"

Even the male students can't hold in their laughter this time, they can't believe that their goddess mentality was really lacking.

Amy thought that they would stop laughing at her, however, those students even laugh louder and almost all the students in the class are laughing crazily.

Amy stomped her foot on the floor angrily and return to her seat.

Ava sat timidly and pray in her mind that the devil princess wouldn't notice her.

However, her prayer was simply not answered.

Because, the moment Amy sat, she stomped on Ava's foot.

Amy was wearing a boot that day, It was so painful that Ava want to cry out loud but hold herself back.

Amy didn't even look at her and continued grinding on the girl's foot.

Layers of sweat rolled down Ava's forehead.

Other students didn't know what was going on and Amy didn't stop grinding her seat partner's foot until their Geography teacher entered the class.

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