
63 another day

Monica’s alarm starts blaring on the bedside table, she

reaches out blindly swatting at her phone. Laughing, Julien rolls over top of her and turn the alarm off. “Morning, sunshine.” he kisses the top of her head. “Don’t

move, I’ll get your coffee.” Julien hears her mumble something incoherent as he walks out of the bedroom. Returning with her coffee, it does not surprise him to find

her sound asleep again. He takes a sip of the sweet crap she calls coffee and then put the cup down. Leaning down, he gently rolls his lips over the top of hers, urging her mouth open with his tongue. She doesn’t disappoint, opening for him she meets Julien's tongue with strokes of her own. “Mmm, you taste divine,” she says as she slowly comes to. Laughing, Julien pulls back; pulling her up into a sitting position. Handing her the coffee cup, he suggests, “drink up, sunshine. Just think, if you quit your job and come work at our club or the business, you won’t ever have to wake up at these ungodly hours
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