
Chapter 6 - The Boss


I was seated in the plush seat of the VIP room. My anger had me seething. 

How dare she do this? Why had she not come to me? I had offered her a job.

The door opened and slammed shut as Kenzie stormed in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She snapped at me.

"Paying for a dance. That is your job now, isn't it?"

Her eyes narrowed at me and I could see she was angry, she may have been quiet, but she had one hell of a temper when pushed.

"What are you doing here? Why did you pick me to come in here? To humiliate me?"

I sighed, "I come in here often. What can I say, I wanted to test out the new goods." I was aware of the fact that I was being a jerk toward her. 

"You're doing this on purpose," She crossed her arms over her chest, I could see she was feeling awkward.

I got to my feet and pushed her hands away, "What? Now you're shy? But you were just fine out there weren't you?!"

She glared up at me, "Yes, I was because none of those people know me!"

"But I know all of you."

I noted the way she took a step back, putting distance between us.

"What's wrong, Kenzie? Do I need to tell Kevin you refuse your clients?"

Her eyes widened, "You wouldn't."

"Oh, I definitely would," I said with an arrogant smirk.

"Sit," she walked forward and shoved my chest. But the smell of alcohol hit my nose and I caught her wrists.

"Kenzie, how much have you had to drink?"

She shrugged, "Are you going to sit down and let me get this over with or not."

"No. What are you doing here, Kenz? This isn't you. We both know that this is not you."

She looked away, "It's the only job I could get, Wyatt."

"Come and work for me. Leave this place."

She shook her head, "No. I don't want your handouts."

"It's not a handout, Kenz. I don't want you doing this. I don't want to even think of these men looking at you in that way, let alone touching you. Fuck sake."

"I don't care. You have no right to tell me what to do with my life."

"If this was something you actually wanted to do, then sure. But the fact that you have to get drunk says enough. Come on, I know this isn't what you want to do. Fuck, Bubbles, can you just stop being stubborn?"


"...Fuck, Bubbles, can you just stop being so stubborn?"

I felt like he had thrown a bucket of cold water over me.

"Don't call me that."

It looked like he hadn't even realized that he had called me by that stupid nickname.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Look, Kenz, I will do whatever it takes to make you come and work for me. Even if I must put this place out of business."

"And you call me stubborn."



Caleb was asleep in the room and I had snuck down to the kitchen to get something to drink. I didn't want to wake anyone so I was navigating around in the dark.

I was reaching into the fridge when the light was switched on.

I yelled as I turned around, my hand going to my chest when I realized it was Mr. Grimes. 

He rubbed at his eyes groggily and I tried not to stare at his bare chest, for an older man, he sure kept in great shape.

"Shit, Bubbles, did you have to yelp like that?"

"Sorry, Mr. Grimes, you gave me a fright." I moved around the kitchen counter so my legs were covered, I was wearing one of Caleb's shirts.

Mr. Grimes leaned over the counter on his elbows, "Couldn't sleep?" 

I nodded, "Yeah. A lot has been going on, I guess."

"Caleb acting up?"

I shrugged, "I don't know... I guess I'm only exaggerating."

He sighed, "Bubbles, your feelings are never an exaggeration. If you are feeling something, then don't try and push that away."

"He's been acting distant. I think there might be someone else in his life. He said it's because he's been planning my birthday party, but I'm not so sure... he's changing and acting different."

Mr. Grimes surprised me by reaching over to rest a hand on my hand, "Kenz, I'll talk to him. But I'm sure he knows that losing you would be stupid. You have been nothing but good for him. For this whole family, actually."

I smiled and looked away. I did seem to fit in with the family well.

Even Caleb's mom loved me.

"I hope so. I don't know what I would do if he's no longer in my life." Caleb had become my everything, and the thought of losing him made me feel like my life would be over.

"You deserve better than to be second-guessing yourself like this. You should be treated with respect, like the queen that you are."

I looked up at him and when our eyes met I looked away quickly again. 


"Kenzie, I'm not going to ask again. I want you at my office tomorrow morning. Be there at nine sharp. And make sure to get my coffee ready, you still remember how I take it right?"


"Go get dressed, I'm taking you home."



I sighed. Once again, I was getting bullied into doing something I didn't want to do, but this time by him.

There was just something about Wyatt that had me listening when he spoke.

"I'll be a minute or two."

"Great, I'll explain to Kevin." 

I walked out and hurriedly changed before heading outside. 

I didn't want to face anyone.

I was embarrassed at how easily Wyatt could order me around.

But it had always been like that, even before that night.

I sighed as I closed my eyes, willing the memories not to creep up.

What his hands felt like. His lips. 

His scent seemed to stay on me for days after.

"Ready to go?"

My eyes snapped open and my cheeks flushed as I nodded before getting into the car.

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