
Chapter 7 - The First Day


I pulled the car to a stop in front of her apartment building and frowned.

When she had given me her address a few moments after leaving the club, I immediately knew it was in a bad area. But I hadn't been expecting this.

"You live here?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Wyatt. Not all of us can live in expensive, fancy areas." She reached for the door, but I hit the central locking.

"This place doesn't look safe. Who is that?" I asked while looking in the direction of a man crouched over at the entrance.

Kenzie shrugged like it was no big deal, "That's Paul, he's homeless."

"He looks dangerous."

She scoffed, "He isn't. Now, please unlock the door."

"I'm walking you in," I got out of the car, ignoring her protests.

Kenzie climbed from the car and glared at me before walking to the door.

"Hey, Paul, what are you doing? Why aren't you at the shelter?" Although moments before she had looked at me with anger, as she spoke to the elderly man at the door, her voice was soft and held compassion.

He looked up at her, "Been there too long. Told me to go."

I watched Kenzie as she spoke to him, suggesting shelters to try.

She spoke about a place she volunteered at, and then she told him to wait before walking in.

I followed behind her, trying to keep the disdain for the place off my face. It was a mess.

"What are you doing?" I asked her as I followed her up dirty steps and to a door that she struggled with before it swung open.

 "Getting something for him to eat. You heard what he said."

I frowned, "Actually, I didn't. I wasn't paying attention. What happened to him?"

"He lost his wife and he started drinking. Then he lost his job and his home, and that's when he became homeless. The shelter he was at only allows a stay for about two months, so he's been put out," she rummaged in her fridge before pulling out a container and placing it in the microwave, "It's sad how things have turned out for him."

"So he's a friend of yours?"

"Yes. I met him at the soup kitchen, I volunteer there every Sunday. We've been friends for years."

It surprised me how open she was about her friendship with a homeless person. In my circle, no one would ever be caught dead saying such a thing for fear of judgment.

"Is he a drunk?"

She frowned at me, "No. Not that you could blame him if he was. Can you even imagine what living like this must do to a person mentally? No, you wouldn't be able to because you've always had a silver spoon in your mouth."

My eyes widened, "Why are you attacking me? I didn't do anything."

"I'm not attacking you, Wyatt. I am just pointing something out. You, rich people, think you are so high and mighty, better than the rest of us. But you don't realize that if things went differently, that could be all of you." She took the container from the microwave and opened a drawer, pulling out a spoon.

I stepped in front of her as she made her way to the door, "I'll give it to him."

Kenzie raised a brow, "Why?"

"I'm leaving so I can give it to him on my way out."

She handed it to me, "Don't be nasty to him."

Her words cut slightly, is that what she thought of me?

"I won't be. Don't forget to be at the office tomorrow."

She nodded.


After Wyatt had left I fed my cat and opened my laptop to go through a quick search of shelters I could suggest to Paul.

Once I had a list composed, I took a shower and went to sleep.

Upon waking the next day, I realized that there was a very good chance I would be late; I had overslept.

Dressing quickly, I attempted to look presentable in black pants a white button shirt with long sleeves, and a pair of heels.

I knew I would still stand out like a sore thumb, but it would have to do for now.

I rushed from my apartment to the subway, not wanting to risk waiting for a taxi which could make me waste more time.

When I got to Grimes Enterprises, I realized I had forgotten the coffee Wyatt asked for.

Shooting down the street, I ordered two and returned to the daunting building.

There was something very intimidating about this place.

When I walked in, I got the usual looks from the people in the large foyer.

Forcing my chin up I went over to the marble desk, "Hi, I'm starting here today. With Mr. Grimes."

The receptionist typed a few times before nodding, "Top floor."

"What office number?"

"Top floor, honey. Only has his office and one other, you won't miss it."

I stepped into the elevator with a few others, men in suits and women in sleek dresses.

Whenever I was around people like this, I always wondered if they could see I was poor and didn't belong with them.

I waited patiently as the elevator stopped on different floors until I was alone.

And then it came to my stop.

I felt sick with nerves and questioned myself. Why had I so easily given in to Wyatt when he told me to be here?

My heels clicked on the start white tiles as I walked into the foyer. The walls were a light grey.

"May I help you?" A beautiful redhead asked from a large deep blue marbled desk.

"Um, I'm here for Mr. Grimes. I start work today."

She smiled, "Oh, Hilda is his secretary but she's not in today, I didn't know we were expecting a new hire. Please go through."

I nodded and walked towards the office right at the end which she had motioned to.

The dark oak doors sort of blended in with the wall.

I hesitated at the door, unsure whether I should just walk in, or knock first.

I decided to knock.

"Come in."

I stepped into the office and was taken aback.

The floor in here was carpeted. And the walls were glass, overlooking the town.

Wyatt's desk was huge, sitting near the glass walls with two chairs in front of it.

To the side was a table in front of a sofa and along the walls were expensive-looking cabinets with files in and some held bottles of alcohol.

"You're ten minutes late." He said as I walked over to the desk.

"Sorry. I overslept."

"Don't make it a habit. Sit down."

I sat, feeling awkward, "Sorry, I need to get used to this." I placed the coffee on the desk.

"Yes, you do. Here," he shoved a diary at me, "Go through the upcoming appointments, tidy it up, spread them out. Call each of them with their new dates and times."

I looked down at the book, it all felt very daunting to me but I nodded.

Suddenly he looked over at me, leaning slightly to take in my appearance, "You look nice."

"I don't think that's very appropriate for a boss to say," I spoke quickly, ignoring the flip-flop my stomach did at his words.

"There are a lot of things that I have not been appropriate on when it comes to you, Kenzie. Now, get to work."

I picked up the hands-free receiver and went over to the sofa in the corner.

I couldn't help but sneak glances in his direction while I was busy on the phone.

He still looked just as good as he always had, maybe even a bit better.

I sighed, reminding myself that I should not be concerning myself with his looks, or this would only end in a mess.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Love the story so far am looking forward to reading the rest
goodnovel comment avatar
P.L Waites
Looking forward to read more. This book has me hooked. You are doing fabulous hun ...️...

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