
Chapter 4

Annabelle's POV

I felt like someone had shot a bullet straight at my heart. It was either I misheard or the doctor was joking.

"Firstly, I'm now Miss Anabelle Spencer." I corrected with a scoff, "Lastly, you've got to be kidding me. There's no way I'm pregnant."

The doctor smiled. "Really? But that would mean you are about to rewrite history because your test result shows here," he handed me a paper, "that you're pregnant!"

My heart sank as I scanned through the test results. I really was pregnant and it was very obvious who the father was. Travis Smith – my now Ex-husband.

No! There has to be another way! This can't be happening! I can't be pregnant for the monster who discarded me like trash. Just when everything was finally playing out beautifully for me, his bastard self was back again in the form of a child to ruin everything.

Of all things, a child!

"I want it out" I said in a calm voice and the doctor frowned.


"You heard me doctor, I want an abortion."

"Says who?" The door barged open and my dad matched in. My lips quivered and so did my hands as I kept my face down. I couldn't bear to see the look which I was certain would be that of disgust on his face. I was a disgrace. Disowned. Divorced. And now pregnant out of wedlock.

It couldn't get any worse. He would hate me so much.

I heard the doctor speak. "Sir, I was just telling---"

"Did I just hear you say you're aborting my grandchild?"

Tears spilled down my face but I still refused to look up. Wait a minute! Did he just say his grandchild? I jerked my head up only to see him staring at me with affectionate eyes. I blinked hard but the image stayed the same.

"You are keeping the baby, Annabelle" He rasped out. "You're the only child your mother could give me before she died, I would be damned if something happened to you during the process of aborting the baby."

"Dad." I broke into tears.

"I know you're scared I would hate you because of the baby but that's far from it. I'll be here to support you all the way." He blinked hard and I could see the agony in his eyes which stung my heart even more.

I stood up and gave him a tight hug, sniffing back my tears. "I'm so sorry for leaving you, Dad."

"Sir, sorry to bother you but we've got news from a Skyline company." Henry poked his head in.

"Spill it!" Dad said, pulling away from the hug as he became curious. Including me.

"Our company's partnership with Skyline has been approved by the CEO himself and we just got the contract papers."

"You did it, daughter,” Dad squealed excitedly. “That's a lot of things to celebrate in one day. I have your papers ready, Anna."

A frown appeared on my forehead. "What papers?"

"Your traveling papers to study business in the most prestigious college in London and After that, you’d be sharing equal privilege with Henry as the CEO of my entire company. More like partners. That's if you want.” He said crinkling with a bright smile and my eyes widened in astonishment. I couldn’t believe it. My heart nearly exploded out of so much joy.

“Also, the company has a branch there so while studying, you could use the branch there as an opportunity to practice what you'll be learning.” he added.

I wanted to scream but rather, tears came back to my eyes. With a smile on my face, I squealed. “Hell yes!”


"Mom, did you see the gifts that Grandpa sent me yesterday?"

A smile appeared on my face as I heard Jackson's footsteps gallop down the staircase. The door to my room pushed open shortly after as he held a gigantic toy to me, giggling in pleasure.

His blue doll eyes, which I love so much, sparkled even more. At least in all, that was the only thing he took from me. His high bridge nose, heart shaped lips and chocolate curly hair was like a constant reminder of his father but I still love him even so.

"Aww. Isn't that the best gift anyone has ever received, little boy?" I squeezed his cheeks softly and he squealed.

"Mom! I'm not a little boy!" He protested and I giggled.

"C'mon. We're gonna be late for our flight. You don't wanna lose your chance of seeing Grandpa today."

Yes, it's been five good years and none of it has been easy. Studying and taking care of an infant can be draining but Henry never left me to it. I would say, his constant visit to me had played a father figure to my son.

Today was the day I was finally going to be announced to the whole world as the heiress to SD Corporations, but something depressing was on my mind.

Travis smith.

I hadn't let go of my revenge plan. He had to taste hell. I brought out my phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, ma'am?" My secretary's voice came from the other end.

"Did you make sure he got an invitation?"

"Yes, ma'am. He'll be right there." She confirmed.

As I got out of the black limousine, I heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, I was back home after so long. I looked beside me at Jackson who was busy marveling at the magnificent mansion before him. My heart swelled in pride.

"Mom, am I finally gonna meet Dad today?" He asked.

I swallowed hard. "Probably." Realizing, my voice was terse, I quickly added. "Why not go inside and go greet your grandpa."

Jackson raced inside, giggling happily. Soon, this huge mansion will become mine and I will be the richest woman in the states.

"Well, well. And if it's not the Annabelle I'm seeing!" A sarcastic voice sounded behind me.

Without looking, I could tell who it was. Samantha. Her voice hadn't changed over the years. I turned back and flashed her a cool smile. Before I could speak, she was already talking.

"Anna, it's been so long. Thought you died. What do you think you're doing here anyway?"

I smiled even though I was seething inside. She was still the same as before, If not worse, but I wasn't the same anymore.

"I might as well use that question for you. What are you doing here too?"

For a minute, I thought I had ruffled her as she seemed taken aback. But she was a pro and she quickly masked her shock with a smirk.

"I see you've grown some wings. Have you managed to cling on to another rich man, licking off his ass and all that you did with Travis?"

I scoffed. "Very funny. But even as much as I would love to catch up on all the fun, I have important things to do here.”

She laughed sarcastically. "Look at her speaking like she's some important guest. Do you even have an invitation card? You must think just any Dock, Tom and Harry can get in here., I would love to see how you will enter." She jeered as she walked past me and entered.

"Welcome, ma'am." The security guard at the gate greeted me with a polite bow, "Mr. Spencer has been waiting for you."

I flashed him a smile, "Thank you."

As I entered the hall, I was left in awe. Dad had made this seem a little more than what I had imagined.

"There you are again, gawking at the fancy room like you've not seen one before. Then again, you probably have never seen one, after all, you're nothing but a lowlife whom Travis had discarded like trash!" Samantha's voice boomed behind me.

I flinched but still managed to maintain my composure. "Aren't you the shameless one, Samantha? Coming to a Spencer's party with a fake invitation card?"

Her face clouded. "You bitch, what are you talking about!?" She shot back.

"Why would I do that? Travis is close with the Spencer's and he received an invitation directly from Mr Spencer!"

I curled my lips into a wry smile. "If you claim Travis was invited, does that mean he was given two cards?"

I could discern the flicker of panic beneath her eyes as she bit her lips nervously.

"You must be going crazy! What about you? How did you get in? You are just a lowlife and a commoner who doesn't deserve to be like this!"

"Anna?" I flicked as I heard a familiar voice which immediately iced my heart. That was him. Turning round, I was right. Before me was Travis smith, groomed in a tux and looking just the same. Except that he had a weird glow in his eyes. Was that awe?

Well, considering my dress and grooming, I wasn't a tad bit surprised.

"It's you!" He cooed and I maintained a cold expression, my lips curling into a smirk.

As if snapping out of a trance, he immediately went back to normal, acting so indifferent as he walked up to Samantha.

"Sorry, I'm late." He planted a light kiss on her cheek and held her in his arm, turning to face me again, he thundered, "Now what? Have you come here to beg me? Didn't I tell you never to show your face in front of me?"

I wanted to laugh. Really? Does he think I would be crawling back to him after five years?! What an ego!

I didn’t bother to reply him and I was pretty sure that it stung him, especially since few guests were already staring.

“Get out of here now and stop embarrassing me! I won't spare your acts if you do anything to jeopardize everything I want to do here, today." He pressed on.

"Embarrassing you?" I sneered. "Firstly, why would I come here to see you?"

"Then why are you here?" He demanded.

"It's none of your damn business, Travis!" I retorted with a smirk.

I made to walk past him but the idiot gripped my wrist roughly and dragged me back.

"Are you out of your mind, mister?” A tiny voice yelled before I could retaliate. “Why are you holding my mom that way?"

It was Jackson and my heart froze as I saw Travis gaze land on him. He was so taken aback that he slipped his hands away from me.

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