
Chapter Two - Winner

Valkyrie Behati

The smell of different canvases filled my nose as I walked around the hotel where our masterpieces were displayed as if we were inside an exhibition.

I was already dressed in my white casual dress while carrying a large brown envelope and observed numerous artists walking around while checking out other’s work.

Everyone seemed so skilled and professional. I could hear them talk about their experiences with other competitions, they have been painting for so long.

I clutched my chest and breathed heavily. I don’t feel like I belong here, I just started to grasp my dream, everything I see or hear right here overwhelms me.

Shaking my head, I decided to sit at the back. I checked the time on my wrist, and the awarding will take place any minute now.

“Alright, everyone! Before we start the awarding, we would like you to meet our special guests today, the chosen four commanders and the Alpha king!” I heard the host speak, just as I expected.

Unfortunately, my heart sank after hearing her statement. The shock was spreading throughout my body because this didn’t happen before.

I read the news about this competition during my second life and the special guests were not them. What is this all about now? Why is everything changing?

All the intimidating presence rose to the stage and waved their hands, the Alpha king, whom everyone was scared about was not there yet.

“They are here because they are going to award the winners for today!” the host added.

I bit my lower lip because Giovanni was there with Laine, I couldn’t believe they were going to attend this, it hadn’t happened before.

My hands kept caressing the envelope that I was holding. I knew what the result of this competition was but seeing them up there made me anxious.

The awarding started from lowest to highest. My eyes kept roaming around upstage, I hoped nothing would change in the result.

“And the champion for this year's painting contest is…Soluna!” The speaker cheered so everyone started clapping their hands while darting their eyes around the room, trying to look for the winner.

I smiled before breathing heavily. I was worried about nothing. Even if I already heard this announcement before, I couldn’t help but feel so good about myself.

While I was busy internally celebrating, all the commanders stood up to check out my masterpiece. Giovanni looked like he was impressed.

“Oh wow, that’s a perfect illustration of the red mountain! And the moonlight shown on it is exactly what I see at the other side of the city!” He stated, which surprised me.

I didn’t know he could manage to praise me like that. Oh, that’s right, he does not know I made that art. This one would be good.

“Whoever made this must be so talented.” One of the commanders commented. He seemed quite pleased.

“Agreed, he/she is too talented,” Laine claimed. She was happily clapping her hands while looking around the crowd.

Talented? Perfect? I didn’t know they could say such words. I almost wanted to laugh and looked at myself.

Back then, I questioned the purpose of my glamorous makeover, but now its significance was crystal clear. I silently thanked myself for splurging on that makeover and luxurious dress.

With determination, I stood up and strode onto the red carpet, basking in the attention of the wild crowd.

The satisfaction of everyone’s eye turning to me made me even more confident, especially now that Giovanni and Laine’s eyes met mine.

The shock was visible in their eyes when they saw me. I couldn’t help but smirk and join them in the center stage.

“Greetings, I didn’t know you two were capable of such genuine praises.” I whispered and smiled towards them and shook their hands. That’s their job today, congratulating whoever won.

Giovanni’s mouth parted; he was looking at me from head to toe. I almost felt his hands tightening on mine, so I moved away from him before he could even hold me longer.

I didn’t want to go near them, but to see those expressions up close is so satisfying!

“Are you Soluna?” the speaker asked happily, catching my attention.

“I am,” I told her before accepting the award she was giving to me.

“Congratulations! You made such a meaningful art!” she almost squealed, which made me chuckle before thanking her.

I received a medal from one of the commanders, who casually placed it around my neck and congratulated me.

All the people around that specific room started cheering and praising me. Everyone was so pleased with my art. I could feel my heart dancing with joy as I raised my award in the air.

“I think there has been a mistake with awarding, it couldn’t be her that has won.” Giovanni raised his tone from behind that shut everyone up.

Murmurs laced with confusion rose in the air, “What do you mean about that, Commander Gio?”

“She must’ve cheated her way in her, I know her in my pack. She doesn’t even draw or color a paper, just a wolf who does house chores.” Giovanni added.

My eyes widened with what he said. Everyone gasped as if they couldn’t believe what they had heard.

“I beg your pardon?” I raised my tone, which surprised everyone, including him. I bet he was not expecting me to talk back.

“Are you saying that I did not paint that piece to get here? How did you know that? Do I even know you?” I added, trying to intimidate him.

He gritted his teeth, he did not like my chosen words, “Stop lying to everyone, you know me, Kyrie!”

“He is right, we know her in the pack. She is not talented enough to make such a masterpiece.” Laine added to support him which made my blood boil.

Everyone went to check out my painting again, they are starting to have doubts now while looking at me. I couldn’t help but feel more disappointed.

I could even hear people saying that they don’t see me often around many competitions, I couldn't win something that big.

“I made this art; I poured my heart and soul into this.” I almost gritted my teeth.

“Why would we believe you? You always knew how to lie. Prove to us that you made this art, or this award is never yours!” Giovanni harshly took the awards from me which shocked everyone.

I was breathing heavily while feeling my cheeks heating up, I held onto the brown envelope that I was carrying a while ago.

Aside from the glamorous preparation of my makeup and dress, I also did a critical preparation.

During my second life, I was accused of not owning my art because I was new and was forced to draw it on the spot. I don’t want that to happen again.

“I do have a proof.” I raised the envelope, which shocked everyone.

Everyone was silent when I spoke. I noticed that everyone was curious about what’s inside of the envelope, so I took them out.

I made sure everyone would see my drafts on different pages of that white paper. Some were highlights of different colors, and I made sure some were sketches.

“This is my art. I sketched all the important details of my art, if you want, I can do this again right in front of you.”

I glared at Giovanni and he seemed surprised. He couldn’t believe that I had proof on hand. I was internally celebrating that I listened to my paranoid self, but it’s not over yet.

“You can easily sketch those by just looking at the art right now,” Giovanni claimed, making Laine agree with him by nodding her head.

“How on earth would I know this art would win and sketch these drafts immediately on time? I don’t even have paint or pencil with me right now.” I raised my eyebrows.

Everyone was starting to realize that I had a point, it’s just not possible that I stole anything right now.

“You could’ve stolen that from someone, we have to investigate about this.” Giovanni firmly insisted. I couldn’t believe this jerk!

“You can easily sketch those by just looking at the art right now,” Giovanni claimed, making Laine agree with him by nodding her head.

“How on earth would I know this art would win and sketch these drafts immediately on time? I don’t even have paint or pencil with me right now.” I raised my eyebrows.

Everyone was starting to realize that I had a point, it’s just not possible that I stole anything right now.

“You could’ve stolen that from someone! Who knows!” Giovanni firmly insisted. I couldn’t believe this jerk!

I was about to open my mouth again when I felt an intimidating presence behind me.

“What is going on here?” I heard his deep tone that made me gulp. Slowly, I turned my head to the side and locked eyes with him. Those silver-grayish eyes made my knees weak, I felt like I had forgotten how to breathe when he got closer to me. I don’t know what is wrong with me right now.

“She lied about winning this contest, Alpha King.” Giovanni confidently said and bowed at his presence.

Alpha King Alexander squinted his eyes before looking at me. He was observing me from head to toe.

“Lied? Can you please elaborate?” I almost gulped after hearing him demand like that. Why do I feel so uneasy around him?

“She didn’t make this art, she stole the sketches she presented—You know what? I will just remake this art again in front of everyone.” I cut Giovanni off, surprising everyone.

I didn’t let anyone say a word and borrowed brushes, and pens, and sat right in front of everyone. I purposely threw the envelope I prepared away. 

My hands shakingly faced the canvas, I shook my head and redid the art I made. It took me almost an hour, and it was done, but I was not satisfied because I swiftly did every stroke.

“Here, I made it, okay? It’s a bit messy 'cause I did it fast-paced.” I breathed heavily and faced everyone with my art. They were all silent, none of them could speak a squeak or word.

“Oh my goodness, to make this art in a span of an hour, you must be truly talented.” the speaker was out of words.

“Commander Gio, do you still think that she lied?” Alpha King Alexander was the one who broke the silence.

I stared at Giovanni, he couldn’t mutter any words. “I think it’s confirmed now that she won this truly, right?”

Alpha Alexander gave me my rewards back, we stared at each other’s eyes and for some reason, I felt extremely anxious around him. A good kind of anxiousness.

He offered his hands, which I accepted. The electricity that flowed shocked me the moment our skins touched but I tried my best to hide my expression.

“Congratulations, you made such a fascinating art.” I was stunned when his lips formed into a smile, everyone gasped, they were reacting in my place because I was so overwhelmed.

“The Alpha king is smiling! Did everybody see that?!” I heard someone screaming. 

“T-Thank you,” I mumbled, why is it so hard to speak to him normally? I shook my head and noticed that the Commanders were falling back to their seats since their king was there.

Annoyance spread throughout my body. Are they just going to forget the fact that they made this whole thing a nuisance for me?

“Excuse me? I believe you two still owe me an apology for making false accusations.” Giovanni and Laine looked surprised at what I said. 

They think I wouldn’t bite back huh? This is my painting, my masterpiece, I will always fight for it.

“What did you say?!” Giovanni almost raised his tone; he looked extremely furious. What the hell is he mad for?

“You do need to apologize to her, Commander Gio, you did make false accusations.” Alpha King Alexander chimed into our conversation.

Giovanni looked calm on the outside, but if only they knew, his hands were probably bleeding underneath the table because he was clenching his fists.

“I apologize. It was not right.” Giovanni stated while biting his lower lip. I felt like I had won the lottery before smiling.

“Alright everyone, let the party begin!” I heard Alpha Alexander say before sitting on his chair. 

To be continued…

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