
Chapter 3: Embers of Desire

With each sip of wine, Charlotte fortified her spirit, envisioning a future where she stood proudly in her own art studio, surrounded by her masterpieces. It was a vision of independence and empowerment—a sanctuary where her creativity knew no bounds.

As Sebastian emerged from the bathroom, he found Charlotte lost in her thoughts. She looked slightly flushed from the wine, yet her gaze was resolute.

He quietly sat beside her, observing her contemplative expression. In her silence, he found an unexpected serenity, a stark contrast to the cacophony of the nightclub downstairs.

In the past, he had sought solace in the noisy revelry of nightclubs when sleep eluded him. But now, the tranquillity of the girl beside him made him yearn to envelop her in his embrace.

Charlotte knew that in that moment, amidst the uncertainty of the future, she silently vowed to reclaim her identity and pursue her passion for art with unwavering determination. For in the depths of her heart, she knew that true fulfillment could only be found by staying true to herself.

As they sat face to face in silence, the air was thick with unspoken desires and unanswered questions.

"The view here is beautiful," Charlotte finally broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sebastian nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "Yes, it's beautiful. Just like you."

Their eyes met, and Charlotte felt a surge of electricity coursing through her veins. She knew she should feel guilty for betraying her fiancé, but in that moment, all she could think about was her attraction to Sebastian. After all, George was now with Eva.

"I didn't expect to find myself here with you, considering we don't even know each other," Charlotte admitted, her voice trembling slightly.

Sebastian took a step closer, the space between them narrowing. "Neither did I, but sometimes life leads us down unexpected paths."

Charlotte couldn't help but think that Sebastian, despite his profession as a PR, was quite articulate. But undeniable was the fact that he was exceptionally charming, explaining the nightclub's renown.

Their faces were now just inches apart, the air thick with anticipation. Charlotte could feel the heat emanating from Sebastian, igniting an undeniable flame within her.

Sebastian didn't say anything further. Instead, he closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a scorching kiss.

It was a kiss unlike any Charlotte had experienced before—a whirlwind of passion and desire that consumed her completely.

In that moment, as they melted into each other's arms, Charlotte knew that her life would never be the same again.

Since George shamelessly got together with Eva at the engagement party, Charlotte decided to let him taste the bitterness of betrayal as well. Why not indulge in sleeping with a handsome guy with a muscular physique?

With that thought in mind, she reached up and placed her hands on Sebastian's neck, inching her red lips closer and closer.

After a passionate encounter, Charlotte finally regained some clarity. She took out a stack of bills from her wallet and placed them on the bedside table. Then, she wrote a message on the mirror with her lipstick.

"Handsome, you provided excellent service. This is for you."

Charlotte remained calm and composed as ever. She dressed herself, picked up her high heels, and walked into the elevator without looking back.

When Sebastian woke up, he found Charlotte gone. As he read the message on the mirror, he rubbed his nose bridge, a hint of indiscernible emotion flickering in his eyes.

Sebastian looked at the words on the mirror and the money on the bedside table, and couldn't help but wonder, Does she really think of me as just a gigolo?

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