
Chapter 2

I stood there for a minute until he turned back at me. 

“What happened?” Cassandra asked, eventually finding out that I was there and that Alpha Sebastian was staring at me. “Why are you staring at her?” 

“That can't be him.” I whispered to my wolf. “That's the Alpha's son, the soon to be Alpha, Cassandra's boyfriend. How can he be my mate? Impossible.” 

With the way he was staring, I knew he felt the same way I felt. He realized too that his mate was standing before him. “No way.” I heard him scream before running out and Cassandra followed suit. 

Was I dreaming? How could it be that the Alpha's son, Sebastian was my mate? It was terrifying thinking about it but I couldn't stop the thought.  

I had mixed feelings about this discovery, did I like that he was my mate? I wasn't sure but since it was from the moon goddess, I would surely accept him. Maybe it was my destiny to become a Luna after all. 

I worked hard at the warehouse factory today, everything was looking good. After the whole day, I still didn't see Cassandra at work at the factory. I wasn't surprised at all, this was not the first time Cassandra has dodged coming to the factory. 

“Ma'am Amelia?” The man who manages the factory came to see me. “Ma'am Amelia, Alpha Lycan sent his men again.” 

“Where are they?” I asked. 

“Outside.” He responded and led the way.

Alpha Lycan's father and my father built this factory. They were business partners until the death of his father. When his father died, my father convinced Alpha Lycan to invest into the business. At that time, he was the Alpha's son and so invested so much money into the business. 

When he finally became Alpha, he said he wasn't interested in the company and wanted to sell it since he had major shares in the factory but my father had pleaded with him and had signed a contract to pay him, instead of selling the factory. 

My father was doing well settling his debt until one day when he fell sick and the factory encountered a major setback and loss. The news of the factory came to my father and caused him to become more sick. 

At that time, my father was already married to my step mother who I now called mother. We took the factory's profit to help him get better but he didn't. Before my father died, he made me promise never to let go of the factory because he knew that in the future, it would be the big thing. 

When he died, the cruel Alpha Lycan gave us a year to pay him everything we owned or he would sell the factory. Ever since, we've been working hard to pay up but we were too slow and profit was low. 

“Hello, my name is Amelia. What can I do for you?” I introduced myself immediately I got to them.

“This is from Alpha Lycan, he sent a message. He gives you two weeks to come up with his money or he'll demolish the factory house.” 

I gasped as I heard those nasty words from the messenger. How could an Alpha be so cruel that he would demolish a building that we had spent years growing. I was very confused and I didn't know what to do. 

“Alright, I have heard you. We’ll pay up.” I said and walked away with the manager running behind me.

“Ma'am Amelia, what should we do? Even if we add all the profits we have, we still can't come up with half of the Alpha's money.” He stuttered, afraid of the truth itself. 

“Don't worry about it.” I told him. “I'll think of something.” I said and gave him a sad smile.

My only plan was to speak to Mother and hear what she had to tell me. I was determined to pay that jerk so he could leave us alone, even if it meant going through the crooked way. I went home in a hurry, hoping to speak to Mother before bedtime. 

I met the house filled to the brim with visitors, not just any visitors but those from the Royal house.

“What was the Royal family doing in our home?” I wondered until I remembered what happened in the afternoon. Was Alpha Sebastian here to accept me as his mate since we didn't even speak to each other when we found out. 

I went hurriedly through the crowd, picture weaving through the sea of people. My eye caught Mother standing speaking to Luna. Luna Rachel? Why was she here? At a corner, I see Cassandra holding hands with the Alpha Sebastian. 

“Mother. What's happening?” I had successfully reached inside the house, then bowed to Luna Rachel.

“Amelia, where have you been? Everyone has been waiting.” Mother's face was squeezed showing that she was upset with me.

“Waiting? Is the Alpha Sebastian going to accept me? I gasped in excitement which was cut short by Luna. 

“You? You are Amelia?” 

“Yes.” I answered.

“Sebastian was right after all. How can you be his mate? You dirty stinky thing.” 

“No, you got it wrong, Luna. I'm just coming from the factory, that's why I look like this.” I explained but she wasn't still impressed.  

“Mum, she looks so dirty.” Sebastian dragged from behind. He still couldn't make the bold step to face me instead he was hiding behind Cassandra. “I like Cassandra, not her.”

“You heard my son. You can't be his mate.” 

I waited, then looked in the direction of Mother. I wanted her to say something, support me at least or take my side but she said nothing. 

“Why?” I asked and watched as their eyes went wide, they must be wondering where my audacity was coming from. “I believe that the decision was made by the moon goddess, who is he to refuse the decision of the moon goddess?” I asked and everyone was shocked at my audacity. 

“Your daughter should be tamed.” Luna Rachell replied and turned to leave. 

“Your son should be tamed too.” I replied and walked away. Everyone gasped in astonishment. 

“How can she talk to the queen like that? How can she speak of Alpha Sebastian like that?” I heard the murmuring of the people that gathered there, they spoke in low tone, afraid not to anger Luna Rachel.. 

I was truly hurt with what Luna said to me and that was why I had to speak back to her. My father taught me never to look down when people try to look down on me, instead look up and face them. 

I went into the house as mother ran after Luna and Cassandra went with the Alpha's son. She was the reason he rejected me and she didn't feel bad about that. I sat on the sofa and thought about how glad I was in the morning about meeting my mate. 

This was one of those days I needed my parents beside me, this was one of those days, I wanted their cuddles. I felt a strong feeling of longing for my father's hugs and my mother's kisses. I wanted to hear their voice, I wanted to feel their embrace as they encouraged me, I wanted them to be part of my life again.

I came to the realization that I was alone and my dreams of seeing them again would never come to pass. I didn't make an effort to clean the tear that escaped my eyes. 

“What are you doing here?” Mother barged into the house, startling me. “What was the meaning of that?” 

I didn't understand why she was mad at me when I didn't do anything wrong. Cassey was the wrong one not me.

“Why would you speak to the queen in that manner? You brat?” 

“She spoke to me in the same way…” 

“Shut the hell up. Was it her fault that your mate rejected you? Don't you see? No one wants you, everyone hates you.” She screamed at me. 

The words she said felt like a knife being thrusted into my heart. Did no one really want me? Did my parents leave me because they didn't want me?” 

“That's not true.” I refused to listen to her. 

“That factory will be sold and the money given to Alpha Lycan or he will destroy it.” 

“No, that was my father's hardwork and sweat, I can't sell his only inheritance.” I insisted. 

“Then get ready to marry Alpha Lycan because that will be the only way your debt will be paid.” Mother announced and walked away in anger. 

Did I hear well? Marry Alpha Lycan?

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