
Chapter 3

I sat in front of the mirror in Mother's room as the omegas helped me get dressed. It was a big day for me, not a happy one though. I was getting married to the most cruel Alpha and not for the sake of love but to pay my father's debt and to save his factory from being destroyed.

Alpha Lycan was known for his cruel and wicked behavior to the people that crossed him. He was the strongest Alpha of the strongest park ever known. People knew him as an Alpha who cared about no one except himself. The Alphas of smaller clans stayed out of his way but here I am preparing to be his wife at eighteen.

“Put on a smile.” Mother urged me.

After our fight that night, I had thought about giving up my father's inheritance or getting married to a man I didn't know or love. I chose the latter and informed her, she was so glad to hear that. I knew she was not truly happy for me, she was only trying to pave a way for her daughter so she could marry the Alpha Sebastian.

She had also been given gifts as the mother of the bride. So she walked around together, throwing orders around and smiling.

I didn't know if it was mere coincidence but I was rejected by an Alpha and now I was getting married to a more powerful Alpha in a space of a week. Was I really destined to be Luna.

“You look so beautiful darling.” She touched my hair that was already dressed so neatly by the omega.

I nodded in affirmation, not even giving her a smile.

“You should try to smile, even if you have to fake it.” She whispered to me when it seemed no one was paying attention.

“Yes mother.” I replied in a dry sarcastic tone.

When my father had just died, I most times wonder if my new mother would love me but as I stared at her through the mirror, I knew that my step mother didn't even like me. She was this jovial because yesterday she was stuffed with money and gifts from the groom.

“Such bullshit!” He couldn't even come to see who he was getting married to. I knew he was the kind of man that believed he could buy anything with money but I would so disappoint him.

“Mum.” I heard Cassandra call mother as she entered the room. “Oh.” She stopped when she saw me. She approached slowly, never taking her eyes off my face. “You look beautiful but you should smile more, it's your wedding.”

I didn't know if she purposely liked to see me in pain or if it was just her nature but I wouldn't let her see how hurt I was because of her actions.

“Mum, I'm going to meet Sebastian. He has a surprise for me.” She made sure I heard her.

“Alright.” Mother answered her.

I suddenly felt my eyes sting, I refused to blink, if I did, the tears would fall. I haven't cried since the day I was rejected and I wasn't going to cry on my wedding day or on any day of this God forsaken marriage.

The wedding was a small one that took place at the park hall. According to mother, Alpha Lycan didn't like large gatherings and everything had to be done the way he wanted.

I stood at the entrance of the hall while he stood there at that altar. I couldn't see him properly from where I stood, not until I was led slowly to the altar by Mother. As I walked up to him, I could see he was young, younger than I had imagined and handsome too.

His eyes were cold but his features spoke a lot about him being attractive. He was staring at me too just as I was, I didn't know if I wanted him to be satisfied with what he said or not. I just didn't care. Mother handed me over to his outstretched hand.

He seemed like a gentle man with the way he took my hands but maybe he was pretending in front of people. The officiator began the ceremony just like every other wedding.

We said our vows which were obviously empty since we felt nothing for each other. Hell, we were seeing each other for the first time today.

“..You may now kiss your bride.”

I didn't even realize when they got this part. I waited to see what he would do, afterall he wanted things done his way. He quickly gave me a kiss on the side of my lips, then turned so the officiator could be done with the ceremony.

Minutes later, we walked down the aisle as a couple while people cheered for us. We walked down to the parked black BML at the corner. I didn't expect any pictures to be taken but the fact that I wasn't given the chance to meet his parents was crazy.

We were already driving when I asked about his parents.

‘Emm.. I didn't get the chance to meet your parents. Is there a reason for the rush?” I bit my lower lip, nervously. He was sitting very close to me while the driver drove the car.

“Why would they want to meet you? You're no one special.” He responded to me.

He was rude. Noted.

I swallowed the lump on my throat when I nodded. We didn't say any more words to each other till we got to his park. There was lots of crowd waiting at the entrance to welcome her. So much for him not liking the crowd. He jumped down from the car immediately, followed by the driver.

I waited for a few seconds for the door to be opened but no one opened it so I climbed down myself even with my very long wedding gown. Was this how I was going to be married to a man that didn't care?

I took a deep breath, then stepped out. I was first welcomed by little pups jumping and playing around. Then, a young woman, a year or two older than me approached me.

“Welcome, Luna.” She bowed. “My name is Kade, the Beta's wife.

“Luna?” That felt strange.

“Call me Amelia.” I told her. “Where can I change this dress? It'stoo stressful too handle alone.”

“Let me take you to your room. The Alpha prepared a dress for you to wear. “ She led me carefully into a huge spacious chamber quite fit for a queen like me. The walls were adorned with beautiful flowers like I have never ever seen before. Rushall of different shapes were placed in different places in the room.

The floor was tired.

“This is the dress the Alpha wanted you to wear.” The young lady got me the dress and unfortunately it turned out to be black.

“How could I wear black dress to my wedding?”. I nodded and asked her where I could get more beautiful dresses in other colors.”

“But.., my Luna, the Alpha won't be pleased to see you didn't dress the way he wanted.” She replied.

“I'm the Luna for a reason, aren't I?” I stood up and went into the wardrobe and I found a beautiful yellow dress. It was a beautiful lace dress that caught my attention. “This is great.” I answered.

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