
The Alpha Returns


As I opened my eyes, I squinted, trying to adjust to the bright light of the room. “She's awake,” I heard Drake's voice say, and I turned my head to see him standing next to me.

His face was filled with concern, and his brow was furrowed. I looked around the room, and saw that there were other people there, their faces covered by shadows.

I blinked, and my eyes began to adjust. I could see them clearly now, and my heart sank. There was Drake, standing next to me, and there was the old witch, standing in the corner, and Amelia standing beside her, a sinister grin on her face.

“Water,” I managed to croak, my throat dry and parched.

Drake started to get up, but the old witch stopped him. “I will get it,” she said, and she walked out of the room.

Drake sat down next to me, his eyes full of concern. “How are you doing?” he asked, his voice soft and gentle.

I struggled to speak, my voice cracking as I tried to form words. “Fine,” I said, though it was clear that I was far from fin
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