


Aric's pov.

I was in my room when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?!" I growled, my eyes staring at the door with hate. My hands were fisted together, and my teeth clenched so tight that veins popped up on my head.

"It's the maid, Alpha Aric. I'm here to tell you that your meal is ready. You've not eaten since last, and we've made dinner. We were hoping you would--"

"Get out!!!" My screams were supposed to make her scurry away, but it seemed she was genuinely worried about me.

"Alpha, Beta Aaron was the one who asked me to tell you dinner is ready, and he asked me to plead with you to--"

I scoffed, feeling annoyed by whatever I had just heard her say. "So Beta strong is more Powerful than the Alpha, right?" I asked, but was shocked about what she said.

I could hear her heart drumming hard. "Not so, I'm just genuinely...."

I moved towards the door, and grabbed the nob. It wasn't long before I pulled the door, and the moment I opened the door, my hands landed on her c
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