
Not Allowed To Gossip

Stacy got taken aback. With his question, she doesn’t know what to answer. Something had gone wrong with her ears, but Zach was asking the right question. It’s not possible, right? They’ve been on each other’s side for a year, hiding behind Sam’s shadow, kissing each other inside the tinted cars so that no one would find out. 

Did Zach just regard her as a pastime? 

Stacy swallowed before speaking up, “Zach, I know you’re confused right now. But so you know, your heart was the one who would learn to remember those things and eventually, you’ll come back to square one.” 

She gave a little smile. Zach was staring at her face. He must be processing all of it before turning to another conversation. Stacy straightened out his comforter, and sat down on the edge of the bed. 

“How about my work, is it difficult?” Zach asked. Stacy reached out, holding his hand, and stared at his delicate knuckles for a while. It has certain bruises he attained from the car accident, but it’s still the strong hands whose hold her on the dance floor. Zach let her. 

“Not that difficult. We’re both radio producers, Zach. You are the top star, and I was on the second spot. Both of us have achieved so much.” Zach leaned forward, getting interested with the topic. Stacy doesn’t want to go on further, but she told him more of the details. 

“You want to hear more?” 



Sam walked inside the TDC Studios, and got an early call from the CEO, Mr. Gerand. She rushed to an empty elevator car, and closed the doors hastily. Sam doesn’t know what kind of talk she’d do, but it made her nervous. 

As she walked to the 4th floor, Sam walked past ahead the employees who occupy the CEO’s work. What’s the good thing inside the TDC Studios is that they aren’t allowed to gossip with one another. Just a rumor spreading inside the studios meant you’re going to be removed from your job, even though you’re skilled and longer than the newbies. 

Mr. Gerand doesn’t tolerate defamation. He doesn’t want an environment that has rumors flying out in their employees. Mr. Gerand guaranteed a letter that no one would be able to spread any rumor unless it’s from the outside. 

Every employee in the TDC Studios had signed it. 

Sam knocked on the door, waited for Mr. Gerand’s order to let her come inside. 

“Come in.” His voice was formal. Sam went inside, look at his table, and he just started his work. 

“Good morning, Ms. Samantha Lee.” 

“Good morning, too, Mr. Gerand.” 

He cleared his throat, motioning for her to sit down at the couch. Mr. Gerand propped his hands at the table as Sam settled down, wearing off her shoulder bag. She raised her eyebrows, asking, “What’s the reason you called me over here?” 

“I just want to ask about something that concerned Mr. Zachary Gonzales.” 

Sam widened her eyes. They cut their ties, so she doesn’t have anything to do with him anymore. Sam blinked, waiting for him to continue. 

“Well, I was aware of his car accident. Even his team was devastated to find out about this unfortunate event. Do you think someone is behind this accident?” 

It never crossed her mind until now. She pursed her lips, looking down at her bag, and wondered about who it was. Sam didn’t respond for a while. Sighing, she shook her head. 

Mr. Gerand nodded. “I know you have cut ties with him over the last 3 months. I’m aware of the separation between the two of you. Maybe you’re not into searching for the perpetuator who has done this to Sean.” 

Sam has a detective brother. He had been in the industry for a while. Tristan Lee can actually track the one who did that to Zach. 

“Mr. Gerand. I don’t know the reason you called me here, but can you at least know I’m not interested with Zach anymore?” Sam couldn’t help but to straighten it out. Mr. Gerand has known how bold she was. Sam hasn’t backed out from that figure anymore. 

“Ms. Samantha Lee, he just turned in his resignation to the company via email. I just thought you ought to know he’s not going to be here anymore.” 

Sam swallowed. She has known it would happen. Stacy and his family have planned all out, severing any tie, cutting out Sam from his life. Sam nodded. She responded, “I’ve known it would happen, Mr. Gerand. It isn’t that surprising at all. I know you’re going to approve that, too.” 

“His family talked to me, too, a while before you. They’ve thanked my gratitude for keeping their son over the past few years. Well, he did a very good job being a producer. Now, TDC Studios has rich radio shows, and he’s one of them,” Mr. Gerand explained. Sam wouldn’t rule out the skill Zach has when it comes to creating concepts. 

He never failed to impress a thousand-people audience even if he spoke up only 6 words. Sam sighed, mumbling, “I wouldn’t eradicate my admiration to him. He’s too good in his radio show. Zach had never failed to impress me when we’re still in college.” 

“That’s right.” 


She’s left alone in the office, typing up something in her screen. But after the door closed, Sam flailed her fingers to a stop. She sighed, looking at the lines she written for the drama they had to produce, and burst out crying. She’s been holding onto it for the entire shift she had. 

Sam had never been this failed in life. She felt like the only thing who could give her comfort was Zach’s words. Sam shook her head vigorously. It wasn’t him… 

She could do it without him… 

Sam wiped the tears flowing out of her cheeks. Her cell phone rang. 

Turning to it with a blurry vision, Sam saw its Lyza. 

She answered it quickly. Lyza must have gone back from her business trip. 

“Sam!” she squealed. Lyza heard the sob from the other end of the line. She has gone quiet, too. Sam turned to the table, buried her hands inside her palms, gritting her teeth. 

“What happened?” Lyza asked.

“Come by…” Sam stuttered. She shook of her head first, trying to calm her down. 

“What? I’ll drop by in your office.” 


Sam stared at the steam of the coffee Lyza ordered. Her friend crossed her arms over her chest. Sam couldn’t grab anything to scream onto, but the pain she had dealt with over the past few days was unbearable. With the revelation Stacy has made, Sam couldn’t help but to think what she lacked. 

“I don’t know if I was the one at fault. I’ve known how much I love Zach, but when I see him with another woman inside our house, all the trust and foundation I’ve built with him broke off. It couldn’t support my weight anymore.” 

Lyza listened in. 

“Stacy said everything to me, on how they started to see each other behind my back. I don’t know if it’s my fault, but Stacy was there when Zach needed me the most. She was the one who saved him… the one’s shoulder to lean on… and I wasn’t there for him, Lyza.” 

She looked up, and the tears brimmed in her lids. 

“I wasn’t there when he felt like he lost his world.” 

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