
eighty three

Evelyn’s POV

As I made my way to Dante's office, my heart pounded in my chest, threatening to burst through my ribcage. Each step felt like an eternity, and I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was wrong. The weight of guilt and fear pressed down on my shoulders, making it difficult to breathe.

I couldn't help but replay the intimate moment with Drake over and over in my mind, questioning if I had made a grave mistake. The thought of Dante discovering our secret rendezvous sent shivers down my spine. Every creaking floorboard and flickering light seemed to conspire against me, intensifying my anxiety. I desperately wanted to turn back, to escape the impending confrontation, but I knew deep down that I had to face the consequences of my actions.

The hallway stretched out before me like an endless abyss, each step a struggle against the rising panic within me. My palms grew clammy, and I wiped them nervously on my grown, trying to steady my trembling hands. I could
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