
ninety six

Evelyn’s POV

“Vanessa out, Willow out, Evelyn won,” I said proudly with a smile on my face as I sat there, the crystal-clear glass of wine in my hand, a sense of victory washed over me. Willow's departure from the palace meant that there was no longer anyone standing in my way of having Dante all to myself. The realization fueled my determination, igniting a fire within me that burned with a mix of desire and ambition.

Sipping the wine, its rich taste dancing on my tongue, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. Even though Dante doesn't love me yet, I was determined to make him fall head over heels for me. I believed in the power of my charm, the allure that I possessed, and I was ready to unleash it upon him.

With each sip, the wine seemed to embolden me, fueling my resolve to win Dante's heart. I envisioned a future where he would look at me with adoration, where his love for me would be undeniable. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was willing to put in the effort, to prov
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