
Carl’s birthday


“…hmm… yes! Yes! Haaa! F**k me!… don’t you dare stop!” These moans filled my ears in the most annoying way.

I pulled my pillow over my head, hoping the noise would stop and I could continue my sleep, but I was wrong. I could still hear them.

“How can a lady's moan be so loud?!” I yelled in my head out of frustration. I threw my pillow across my room and sat up angrily.

I was so tired of Prince Randall. ‘Do I have to keep up with this forever?!’

It’s been a month in this palace and it’s been nothing but torture from him. Sometimes, the concentrated smell of weed, seeping in through my door would wake me up very early in the morning.

Sometimes, it was extremely loud jazz music, and sometimes it was the moan of his hoes, just like today.

I could feel my eyes were still pretty heavy. I stayed up till midnight because I was looking for the perfect dress for Carl’s birthday today.

I got three dresses and they all looked good on me, but I decided to go with the red short dress. I knew he missed me so much and I wanted to look very pretty for him.

After that day he left running to the company because of his father, he kept apologizing, telling me he was looking forward to giving me my first kiss the next time we saw each other. But unfortunately, he’s been terribly busy ever since.

‘I’m very sure it is going to happen today. Especially if I look sexy enough. He wouldn’t be able to draw back.’ I said to myself as I got out of bed.

While I walked to my closet to bring out my red dress again, my phone began to ring. I rushed to my phone and saw it was my best friend, Trisha, calling.

“Hey, Trisha!” I uttered excitedly as I answered the phone.

“Hold on, are you in a sex club?! Why can I hear moans?” She uttered in shock, and I rolled my eyes, staring at my door in disgust.

“It’s Prince Randall, again. He’s at it with his Hoes.” I muttered.

“Woah. That is crazy! How do you feel when listening to them?”

I scoffed and creased my brows at her question. “How else am I supposed to feel if not disgusted?! I mean, he can always do his nonsense without disturbing someone else. It sucks.”

“Right. That’s true. Don’t worry, he’ll grow weary soon.” She responded, and I scoffed.

“Maybe after a year. Doesn’t look like he is going to stop anytime soon. Well, that is by the way… I’ll be seeing you at Carl’s today, right?” I asked with a smile.

“Of course. My favorite couple is going to be official. Of course, I’ll be there to cheer you up!” She answered, and the smile slowly faded off my face.

“Trisha, what if…”

“Uhmm Uhmm… We are not doing that today. Don’t ruin your mood before the party. It’s going to be fine.” She assured me, and I heaved a loud sigh and nodded.

“Okay! Thank you, Trisha. And, see you soon!” I answered, letting out another smile.

“See you soon!”

She hung up shortly after, and I proceeded into the bathroom to freshen up. While I took my bath, I could still hear Prince Randall’s hoe moaning loudly.

“Doesn’t he grow tired?” I asked in awe.

After some minutes, I made my way out of the bathroom. I grabbed my hairdryer and started drying my hair. At this moment, I couldn’t hear the moan anymore.

“Finally,” I mumbled, letting out a deep sigh. I could now focus on my makeup.

Sitting in front of my mirror, I started applying my foundation to my face, carefully beating it on my skin. While I did this, I kept thinking about Carl and when he was going to hold the globe.

The thought of it made me so anxious. I reached for my concealer and as I was about to apply it under my eyes, I heard a bang from outside my door, and the concealer fell from my hand.

“What the hell?!” I yelled as ear-splitting jazz music followed the bang. I picked up my concealer in anger and stormed to my door.

I was going to let the loud moans that woke me up slide, but this? NO!

I swung my door open and was about to approach Prince Randall’s door when I suddenly took an abrupt pause. My eyes slowly widened and my jaw dropped as I realized his door was wide open, and in front of me, I saw a naked woman, on her knees, with his manhood in her mouth.

‘What the hell?!’ I yelled in my head. My gaze shifted from the naked woman to Prince Randall’s face, and our gazes locked. He let out an evil smirk and winked at me, causing my eyes to widen even more.

While he stood and faced me, he grabbed the woman’s hair and started pushing her head even closer. He let out a soft groan and threw his head backward.

I felt so surprised and disgusted at the same time. “You’re sick!” I yelled as I hurriedly entered my room and shut the door.

‘Why would he do that with his door open? And why did he do that in front of me?!’ I wondered in awe. I shuddered as I replayed his facial expressions in my head again.



I finally got to Carl’s house and I could finally breathe fresh air of sanity. Everywhere in the compound looked beautiful as they were covered with so many decorations.

There were balloons, flowers, candles, and even lights. A stage had been set up in the yard, where the cake was displayed. It was similar to my birthday setup too.

There were a few people present already, but I had yet to see the birthday boy. I smiled widely and greeted everyone in the yard as I made my way into the house.

As I climbed the porch, the door opened and Trisha stepped out of the house.

“Oh, Daciana, you’re here!” She uttered a little startled.

“Yes! I didn’t mean to startle you.” I uttered, as we embraced each other.

“Carl is ready and will be out soon. I went in to greet his parents.” She responded.

“I’ll do that too. I’ll be out soon.” I said to her as we parted ways. Entering the house, I met Carl and his parents in the living room. They all went mute as they looked at me.

“Good day, Mr and Mrs Goodwill.” I greeted them, and let out a smile.

“How are you, Daciana? You look very beautiful.” Mrs Goodwill complimented me, causing me to smile.

“Thank you, ma’am. You don’t look bad yourself.” I responded with a wide grin.

Mr Goodwill looked at Carl and whispered “Tell her now” to him. I narrowed my gaze as I watched them.

“We’ll excuse you two now.” His mother said as she pulled her husband out of the living room.

I scoffed and looked at Carl again. “What was that about?” I inquired as I sat next to him.

“Oh, don’t mind them, baby. You look beautiful, I must confess.” He complimented me, and I lowered my head shyly.

“Thank you so much, Baby. And you look very handsome. I love your Tuxedo.”

“Carl! Daciana! It’s time! We’re waiting!” We heard Trisha call from the door and we stood up.

I held his hand, staring at his face as we headed out. His smile was so faint that it began to get me worried. He wasn’t himself, and anyone could see that.

Getting out, we stood on the porch, staring at everyone. “Are you sure you’re alright?” I asked, and he let out that fake smile again.

“Yes, Daci. Thank you.”

“Happy birthday to you…!” The people started and I joined them happily, clapping and giggling like it was my birthday.

After the song, the chairwoman walked up to the stage, and my heart started to race in my chest. I moved closer to where Trisha stood, so I could get some motivation from her.

“Hey,” I whispered, diverting her attention from the stage to me.


“I’m so anxious. Can I hold you?” I asked her, and she gave me her arm. I looked at Carl and he looked at me too. I smiled at him, hoping he’d smile back, but he didn’t.

‘Maybe he’s as nervous as I am too.’ I thought.

“Are you sure you’re ready to hold the globe?” The chairwoman asked him, and he nodded.

“Yes, I am.” He answered.

He stretched out his palms and she placed the globe in his hands. At this moment, everywhere went dead silent and I could hear my own heart, thumping aggressively against my chest.

The globe let out its blue glow and I watched him stare into it. He clenched his jaws and raised his head. My breathing grew intense as I stared at him.

Just then, I noticed he wasn’t even staring at me. I traced his gaze and to my greatest surprise, he was staring at Trisha.

I looked at her and I saw her give him a nod, which instantly threw me into confusion.

“Why is she nodding at him? I should be the one to do that. He isn’t even looking at me!” I could sense betrayal at this point, and tears slowly began to heat the back of my eyes.

I slowly withdrew my sweaty, shaky palm from her arm and let it dangle.

“Carl, please tell us the name you see.” The chairwoman said aloud.

“The name I see is… Trisha Silver.” He dropped the bombshell.

“Yes!” Trisha yelled in excitement like she had expected it before.

My mouth parted in awe as tears streamed down my eyes. Trisha ran to the stage and jumped on Carl, hugging him tightly.

He hugged her too but kept staring at me.

“I’m sorry.” He mouthed and this was when I lost it. I broke into intense weeping as I ran out of his compound.

I kept running without any destination in mind. I just wanted to be far away from him, from his home and Trisha.

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