
First Kiss


Getting into my room, I slammed the door shut and broke into tears. He brought back the pain I had been trying so hard to conceal.

I just wanted to be far from him, far from everyone. While I buried myself in the bedsheets, I heard a knock on the door, followed by the voice of my mother.

“Daciana baby, are you alright?” She asked, with concern evident in her voice.

“I want to be alone, Mom!” I yelled tearily.

“Baby, can I at least come in? Please. I can’t just leave you right now. Can I come in?” She insisted, and I heaved a frustrated sigh and nodded.

“Fine! Come in.” I uttered and I immediately heard the door open. I heard her footsteps hurriedly approach the bed and I felt her hand on my body.

“I am so sorry about the Prince’s behavior. I know what he said was uncalled for and you didn’t deserve it.” She spoke.

I yanked the sheets off my body and sat up, staring at my mother’s face.

“But he was right! That’s the most painful part of it all. He was telling the truth! When I was supposed to find my mate, I didn’t! My first transformation hasn’t happened and now, Carl wouldn’t even come and visit me!” I rapped.

“What?? Wait. You’re going too fast, Daciana. What do you mean about Carl? It’s your first day here. He is supposed to be here already.”

“He’s been acting strange, mom. It’s either he’s hiding something or he just doesn’t want me anymore.” I mumbled.

“What?? C’mon, Daciana, don’t just come up with such thoughts. Carl loves you! Everyone knows that.”

“Well, maybe not anymore. His birthday is coming up in less than a month and something keeps telling me I’m going to get hurt.”

“No, you are not, baby. Please don’t think about it, okay? Carl is probably busy. But if you insist he showed up, he would. Just talk to him about it, okay? And for Randall, please ignore him.”

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “It wouldn’t be so easy. He’s always stepping on my toes.”

“And then you move your toes out of the way. Once you’re numb to his stupidity, he’d grow tired. Don’t give him the benefit of your attention. And, I promise to tell the King about it. He has to caution him.” She added, and I heaved a sigh.

“Okay,” I muttered, cleaning the tears on my cheeks.

“I’ll ask the maids to bring your food in here.” She uttered as she stood up from the bed.

“I’m not hungry. Right now, I just want to see and talk to Carl.”

“Then call him. I’m sure he’ll run down here once you tell him you’re not feeling good. I’ll go and talk to the king now.”

I bobbed as she headed out of my room. Sadly, I reached for my phone and put a call across to Carl. It started ringing and I stared at my screen eagerly, waiting for him to answer the phone.

It rang and rang and I got no response. “I knew it,” I mumbled, covering my mouth as fresh tears heated the back of my eyes.

I knew something was wrong somewhere. He had never ignored my call before. ‘This isn’t a coincidence.’

While I wept at the feeling of betrayal, my phone began to ring. I hastily grabbed it as I saw it was Carl calling me back. Immediately, my mood changed and I felt happiness. I was so happy I was wrong about the situation.

I answered the phone and that was when I noticed it was a video call.

“Hey!” He uttered with a large smile, and before I could answer, I noticed something unexpected. The background looked so familiar.

“Where are you?” I creased my brows as I felt a hearty smile slowly build on my face.

“Well, I have been restrained from coming in because the guards at the palace have no idea who I am. I need help.”

“What?!” I broke into laughter as I sprang to my feet. It seemed like a miracle. He came to see me.

“I’ll be there in a second!” I responded excitedly, dashing out of the room.

“Baby, go slow. I wouldn’t want you to fall. You’re going to hurt yourself.” He uttered, but I didn’t listen. I just couldn’t wait to embrace him. I ran past the dining room, and I heard my mother call my name.

“Daciana, where are you going?!”

I didn’t stop running, neither did I say a word back. I just wanted to get to Carl at the gate.

Once I got out, I pulled the attention of the guards to myself. “Let him in! He came to see me!” I ordered, still running towards the gate.

“Yes, Princess.” They answered as they opened the gate for him to come in. As soon as our gazes met, we burst into laughter, and he opened his arms, ready to receive me.

As soon as I got to where he was, I jumped on him, embracing him so tightly. “Oh my… I can’t believe you are actually here.” I uttered as I wrapped my legs around his torso.

“I’m glad you like my surprise.” He answered, causing me to chuckle.

“Of course, I do,” I replied, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. I got off him and we headed into the palace.

“Are you alright? Your eyes are swollen. And your face wasn’t the best when I called earlier.” He said, and I shook my head.

“Don’t worry about it, okay? I’m just so glad you’re here.”

While we walked inside the palace, I took him to the dining room before heading to my room so he could greet my parents.

In the dining room, I could see only my Mother and Randall. Duty must have called the king, I guess.

“Mom, Carl is here,” I uttered as I walked into the dining room, holding his arm firmly. Just then, I saw Randall stand up, with a smirk on his face.

I ignored him and kept my gaze on my mother.

“Carl! I’m glad you’re here. My daughter has been sulking about how much she wanted to see you.”

“I’m glad to be here too, My Queen. I’ve equally missed her.” He answered, looking at me, while I let out a shy smile.

“Of course, you did,” Randall murmured as he scoffed at Carl’s response. He moved closer to us and stretched out his hand to Carl.

“Nice to finally meet you, Carl. I’ve heard so much about you,” Randall said, waiting for Carl to shake his hands.

“Nice to meet you too, Prince Randall,” Carl answered, shaking his hand. As soon as they shook hands, Randall yanked him closer to himself, pulling me along.

“If I were you, I’d escape before it’s too late,” Randall whispered in Carl’s ear, and I creased my brows.

“What is that supposed to mean, hun?” I asked defensively, and Carl hastily held me.

“It’s fine, Daci. Let’s just go.” Carl replied, giving my mother one last bow before we left the dining room.

“I told you, Carl! He’s always looking for trouble. I hate him so much.” I mumbled as we made our way to my room.

“Just ignore him, okay? You know he derives pleasure in bullying people. Don’t let him get that pleasure from you.”

“It’s crazy how everyone keeps telling me to ignore him when he can be scolded instead.”

I rolled my eyes and opened the door to my room.

“Woah. Your room is actually bigger than what I see on the phone.” He uttered, and I laughed.

“Yes. I was also astonished when I saw the large space. I am yet to get used to it.” I answered, shutting the door behind us.

I tiptoed to where he stood and hugged him from behind, causing him to laugh out loud.

“Daci.” He uttered and turned to look at my face with my arms still wrapped around his waist.

“I missed you so much,” I uttered in almost a whisper, staring at his juicy lips.

“I missed you too.” He answered with a wide smile.

I moved my face closer and closer to his, with my gaze stuck on his lips. I wanted to have a taste so badly. I craved it more than anything else on earth.

Just as my eyes fell shut and my lips almost touched his, I felt his finger on my lips.

“What are you doing?” He asked in a low tone.

I slowly opened my eyes and stared into his eyes, searching his eyes. “I’m ready now. I’m eighteen. I’m ready to have my first kiss and sex with you.” I responded, moving my face closer to his again, but he stopped me.

“But you said until you confirm I’m your mate, we are not going to do this.”

“Carl, please don’t do this, okay? I really want to do this with you. Whether or not your name appeared on the globe. I want you. I want you to be my first kiss and I want you to deflower me. You or no one else.”

After saying this, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer again. “I want you,” I whispered, my gaze falling on his lips again.

As our faces got closer my eyes fell shut. I could feel his breath on my nose, I parted my lips, waiting to feel his, and all of a sudden, his phone began to vibrate in his pocket.

“Sorry,” I uttered, moving back to reach his phone. He stared at his screen and gulped hard before he looked at me again.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s my dad. He’s back and I think he needs me at the company right now.” He answered.

“What? Right now?”

“I’m so sorry, love. I promise we’ll continue this some other time. I’m so sorry.” He uttered, hastily making his way to my door.

“Wait, but you just got here. Carl…”

The sound of the door closing shut me up and my jaw dropped in awe.

“What just happened??”

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