
Get back at her

~Prince Randall~

As soon as she was out of my room, I walked to my closet and picked up my khaki shorts. I wore it and picked a small towel to dry my hair as I headed out of the room.

I stared angrily at the door to her room. ‘Who the hell does she think she is? Coming into my room like that? And why is her room right in front of mine?!’

‘There are so many rooms to put her in. Why here?!’

I knew deep down this was a plan from either my father or her mother. They knew how much I hated her and they brought her this close to me?

‘You gotta be kidding me!’

Still fuming in anger, I stormed into my father’s chamber. I met him sitting on his bed, his legs folded and his hands resting on his legs.

I had just disrupted his meditation session and I didn’t give a f**k.

“Father, why is she in front of my room?” I asked, watching him slip out of his meditation. He opened his eyes and our eyes locked.

“Randall, I am meditating right now.”

“I know, father. But I need you to answer this real quick. Why would you put her in front of my room? There are so many rooms in this palace. About a hundred. Why is she in front of me? You intentionally did that, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I intentionally did that. You have an issue with that?” He asked calmly.

“Yes, I do! I don’t like her and you know that!”

“I do know that, and I also know that she’s now your sister and you’d have to let go of those hard feelings and love her. She’s going nowhere.”

“You are making a mistake, father. I will never see that girl as my sister. She hasn’t even spent an hour in the house and she has gotten me so angry. What if she spends a day? Or a week? Or a month?…”

“Randall.” My father called, cutting me short.

“You are the elderly one. You have to cope with her. You should be glad you are two grown-ups and of the opposite sex. I’d have thrown you in the same room.”

I raised my brows in awe as he said this. At this point, I knew there was no going back. She was going to stay in that room until whenever.

“Fine,” I mumbled as I stormed out of his chamber.

‘I guess I’ll just have to make her life a living hell until she can’t take it anymore and moves away from that room.’

While I walked back to my room, I saw the maids setting up the dining table. I couldn’t start to imagine sitting at the same dining table with her.

Getting back to my room, I left my door wide open and as I stared at her closed door, I moved to where my music player was. I turned it to the highest volume and smirked.

“Let’s see if you’d be able to cope with this after a week,” I muttered, still staring at her door.

The jazz music was so loud that I could hardly feel comfortable, but I care less. I wanted her to suffer. So, I’d just have to endure it too.

I lay on my bed and picked up my iPad. I began to scroll through social media and at the same time, I expected her to show up and cause a scene.

After a few minutes, just as I suspected, I heard her door open. My heart skipped a beat as a result of happiness but I kept scrolling through my iPad, with my legs crossed.

Just then, I felt someone stand in front of my door.

“Hello??!!!” I heard her scream, even though it wasn’t a match for my jazz music. I turned my head to look at her and just stared without uttering a word.

“Your music is too loud! I can’t even hear myself think!” She yelled again, causing me to scoff.

I enjoyed seeing her strain her voice just to talk to me. I reluctantly got off my bed and started walking to the door. Getting closer, her angry eyes locked with mine.

I held onto my door and just as I was about to shut it and ignore her complaint, she stormed into the room, catching me off guard as she pushed me out of the way.

She rushed to my music player and turned it off. My eyes widened in shock as to the extent of her bravery.

“How dare you?!” I roared, shutting the door and walking up to her.

“Why the hell is your music so loud?! Have you forgotten you aren’t the only one in this palace? If you need the music to burst your eardrums, use a f**king headset goddammit!” She flared up.

“And that means you can enter my room anytime you want? Would you want me to do that to you too?” I answered angrily as I kept moving close to her and she kept moving backward.

“Stay away from me!” She yelled, and I sensed an ounce of fear.

“You entered my room yourself. I never forced you to come in. You can shout all you want, but no one is going to come and save you, got it?!” I smacked.

She hit her back against the wall and I slammed my palm against the wall next to her head, making her flinch.

“Now that I’ve got your attention. Listen, and listen well. You are going to move out of that room, move across the building, and stay with your mummy or wherever. I don’t care. Just stay away from this hallway or else…”

“Or else what?? Do you think your little threat can scare me? I am not leaving. You are not going to dictate what I do and what I don’t in this house. You have no rights.” She spoke back, and I raised my brows again.

‘She did have it in her.’

“You’d have to live with it. If you hate me so much, just ignore me, and turn your music down!” She smacked as she walked past me.

I was too stunned to speak. After I pinned her to the wall, I wasn’t expecting her to still have any courage to talk back at me.

She opened my door, walked out, and slammed it shut, making me scoff.

“The battle line has been drawn, girl. You’re going to regret ever coming into this palace.”

I clenched my jaws as I turned on my music again. I picked up my pillow and threw it across the room in a rage.

I hated that she spoke to me like that and I wanted to teach her a lesson.

I sat on my bed and began to think of possible ways to punish her for talking back at me. Just then, I heard the telephone ring.

It rang only three times a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“I guess we’d have to sit at the dining table then,” I uttered with an evil smirk as an idea popped into my head.

I found a vintage shirt and wore it on my khaki shorts before I turned off my music and headed out of my room. I looked at her door and it was still short.

‘I bet she has no idea what the ring meant.’ I thought as I made my way to the dining room.

Getting to the dining room, I met my Father, the King, and his wife, Queen Agatha seated already. I slightly bowed as I sat on one of the chairs.

“Prince Randall, didn’t you call your sister on your way here?” Queen Agatha asked, and I scoffed.

“I bet everyone that is supposed to be here would hear the telephone ring,” I answered, diverting my attention to the different delicacies on the table.

“Hey you, go and fetch the Princess.” My father ordered one of the maids.

I stretched my fork and knife to reach for the steak, but I was stopped by my father’s voice.

“We are not eating until the Princess gets here.” He said, and I scoffed.

“When was that rule laid down? We have never waited for anyone…”

“We are a family of four now. It’s only respectful to wait for everyone to be seated before we eat. If you were the one late, we’d wait as well.”

I withdrew my cutleries out of frustration and shook my head. “Well, she better make haste. I’m starving.” I mumbled.

Not quite long after, I saw her hastily walking towards us.

“I am so sorry for keeping you waiting.” She muttered as she chose a chair and sat.

“What took you so long?” The Queen asked.

“I was on the phone with Carl.”

I scoffed at her response and picked up my cutleries again. “You mean the one that didn’t appear on the globe?” I muttered, and she turned to look at me.

“And what is that supposed to mean? It’s none of your business, okay?” She answered defensively.

“Why are you so pissed?? It’s not like I lied. I mean, he is not your mate. Leave the poor boy alone. I don’t think you have any mates. No one would want to be mates with someone like you.”

“Randall!” Father and the queen called, and I shrugged.

“What? If I was her mate, I’d hang myself.” I added, looking at her, and I saw tears gather in her eyes.

“Enough! Another word shall not come out of that mouth of yours!” Father smacked.

“F**k you!” She yelled as she broke into tears. She pushed her chair backward, stood up, and ran out of the dining.

“Daciana!” Her mother called as she followed her.

I looked at my father and saw him staring at me.

“What?? I was just saying the truth.” I responded with a smile, knowing fully well I had gotten back at her the way I wanted.

‘You won’t mess with me next time, girl.’

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