


I am not surprised when Amelia's parents agree, but I am extremely surprised that my mother agrees with our arrangement, considering our kingdom and my mother doesn't get anything out of this.

I had thought that maybe if I got away from the castle, whatever was happening to me would stop; it is, however, still getting worse. The good thing about it is that my body is reacting to other females now, especially Amelia's, but I have a feeling that also has a lot to do with the fact she has very similar eyes to Emma.

Whatever it is that has allowed my body to respond to others is going to be good for after the mating ceremony tonight. I put on my Royal suit and just before I leave the guest chambers; I am staying in, Morgan knocks on the door. I open it and she bows.

"Your Highness, your mother asked me to bring you a fresh blood bag..."

I nod and take the bag from the tray she is holding in front of her. She watches as I pull

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