


I guess he didn't need telling twice as I hear him scurry out of the room, closing the door behind him. Amelia gasps again as I then pull her to her feet and kiss her once more, making her drop her book to the floor. I then push her backward until her back hits the wall. I then move my kiss along her jaw and down her neck, sinking my fangs in and drinking.

I extend my claws once more and use them to remove her skirt and her panties as soon as they hit the floor. I move my pants and grab her leg, hooking my arm underneath and lifting it as I thrust my hips forward, entering her hard. I smile as she lets out a mix of a moan and a hiss at my invasion, which makes her shudder and shake around me.

I thrust my hips hard, adding to the already building pressure and pleasure within me. At this point, I have no care for the female in my arms, only the rising pleasure. I stop drinking and seal my bite as vampire blood is different for us, so we don't normally dri

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
I knew a lot wouldn't like Jeremiah to start with but he does get better he is being poisoned after all What Emma is is forbidden so when some find out they want to take advantage in every way If you can bear with Jeremiah he does become the hero he's meant to be but he has to get there first
goodnovel comment avatar
I’ve read the first book and loved it. This book is very dark. I’m not liking the vampires. Poor Emma. Why must she suffer so much. Jeremiah is so horrid. That human slave he fed from and raped. So sick. I don’t know if I can continue this story. Why was she paired to a vampire? Ugh..

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